Sunday, January 08, 2006

So Much Is Going On

I am really confused about what I need to write about.  So much is going on I’m not sure where to start.  It’s been a pretty good day but yet my heart is a bit heavy too.  We spent a good part of the day together as a family and we had a blast tonight watching “Home Improvement” which was filmed here just outside of Wichita.  That made Wichita look pretty good!  But I’m a little troubled by what’s happening in the world.

I’ve been following what’s been happening in Israel pretty close with Prime Minister Sharon & such.  I’ve also had some emails coming across my computer on this too.  Pat Robertson of CBN made the comment that Sharon’s brain hemorrhage could have been the result of God dealing with him for dividing up Israel and giving the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians.  I can’t help but agree with Pat.  Israel is God’s chosen people and God’s chosen land.  To give away part of what God said belongs to his people is pretty arrogant and in fact incredulous to me.

The Old Testament is filled with God bringing wrath and destruction on whomever sought to divide and or conquer God’s people or God’s land.  When Sharon gave the Gaza Strip to the Palestinians I was a little confused.  I was even more confused when Sharon wanted to give “Non Strategic” lands away all in the name of buying peace.  Then all of a sudden Sharon had the massive stroke and things started becoming clearer again.  Don’t get me wrong here, I don’t wish for the demise of Sharon, I just felt Sharon was going against God’s edicts and that God is not going to allow it.

It’s amazing how fast events are occurring now around the world that are all moving us closer and closer to the return of our Lord.  Biblical prophecy is now coming to the forefront in our culture and our everyday lives.  Why is this?  Simple, even Hollywood knows that something is up and they know God is in the middle of it.  When things happen and move to that level we better start taking a hard look at our instruction book, the Bible, because God is moving.  I can’t make it any more plain than that.

My Aunt Katie just turned 90 a while back and Aunt Katie believes she will never die.  Aunt Katie believes that the Lord will return before the grave can take her.  Am I going to argue with Aunt Katie about whether she is right or wrong?  Not a chance!  I’m too afraid she might be right!

I talked with my Mom last night and she encouraged me to look to the future, not the past.  I didn’t argue with her either, Mom’s right!  I going to move forward and do just as I feel the Lord is leading me.  I’m striving to be the best husband and father that I can be, I’m going back to college, and I’m going to keep telling the world the good news of Jesus Christ!  Actually telling the world about Jesus Christ is my first call, I do that and everything else will fall into place!

Be Blessed!!!


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