Sunday, April 16, 2006


In church tonight I felt the Lord speaking to me. As an angel instructed John to write down what he saw in the book of Revelation so I felt the Lord telling me to write down and share something that God showed me in the Spirit back in 1988. I have not shared this very often and I have never before put this in print but the Lord spoke to me tonight and told me to write and share.

Shortly after receiving my salvation in October of 1988 I had two very real and very powerful visits from God. The first of which I’ll just briefly touch on here was to empower me with the Holy Spirit and to give me guidance for the years to come for the ministry that God was calling me to. It was quite something and when God prompts me I’ll share it. But what God was telling me to share tonight was the second powerful visit I had from God via the Holy Spirit.

Most people have no conception of the real Hell. Many people have a picture of Hell as a place where all of their friends will be and it will just be one big party. Over the years I’ve lost count of the number of people I’ve shared Jesus with that have told me “All of my friends are going to be in Hell, I might as well be too.” The truth is that Hell is a very real place and if people knew what Hell is really like they would be crying out to Jesus to save them.

One night God gave me a dream, a vision if you will of what Hell is really like. This is what I saw. I will follow this with Bible verses to confirm what I am sharing here. I was awakened in my dream to see people falling. These people never stopped falling. These same people as they were falling were screaming out for two reasons. The first was because as they were falling, they were falling and tumbling through darkness so dark that no natural light could penetrate it and they were terrified. People were also screaming because of the intense, searing heat. This heat was so intense that it continually melted the skin off of their bodies.

As they were falling and screaming they had to suck in air so they could scream. But every time they sucked in air they sucked in the gaseous form of sulfuric acid from the smoke of the burning sulfur. Sulfuric acid is better known as battery acid. Every time they drew a breath of this sulfuric acid it would immediately totally consume them from the inside out in excruciating pain from the chemical burns.

I just stood there in bewilderment as countless people tumbled through the darkness. I saw that every one of these people that were tumbling by had the same fait. People were screaming in agony, having their skin melt off of their bodies all the while being burned not only from the outside but from the inside too. But after seeing all of that, God showed me something even worse.

I saw a light penetrating this darkness. This light was a direct beam. It was not deflected and it hit every person square in the face. This light was a pure white light and it was not natural in origin. I looked at the light and I immediately knew where this light came from. This light came from the Lamb of God. I was told something that to this day I can not fathom or understand. I was told that the pain that is caused by this light is due to people seeing they are separated from Jesus and is spiritual in nature. This pain is far worse then the physical pain that I described above.

I turned and walked away. The reason that I didn’t understand the separation from God is due to me not being separated from God. I know Jesus as my Lord and Savior. I was told to remember this that I was just shown. At this point I returned to my sleep. When I awake the next morning I knew that I had been shown something profound that night and that dream, that vision would play a powerful role in my life for the rest of my days.

What does the Bible have to say about Hell? Here’s three scriptures for you.

Revelation 20:10
Then the Devil, who betrayed them, was thrown into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur, joining the beast and the false prophet. There they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

Revelation 20:11-15 The Final Judgment
And I saw a great white throne, and I saw the one who was sitting on it. The earth and sky fled from his presence, but they found no place to hide. I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God's throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in the books, according to what they had done. The sea gave up the dead in it, and death and the grave gave up the dead in them. They were all judged according to their deeds. And death and the grave were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death--the lake of fire. And anyone whose name was not found recorded in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

Psalm 9:17 The Hebrew word for grave here is Sheol which means Hell.
The wicked will go down to the grave.
This is the fate of all the nations who ignore God.

I hope and pray that those that have read this are a little bit more moved towards Jesus. I pray that those that read this that know Jesus as their Lord and Savior will learn to trust Him more so they can share their faith. I also pray that those that read this that do not have a personal relationship with Jesus will be moved to seek Him and to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

Be Blessed!


Saturday, April 15, 2006

Celebrating Easter?

So why do I celebrate Easter?  Is it because of a bunny?  Of course not.  I celebrate Easter because of the death and resurrection of Jesus.  So why is it that I would celebrate a death?  Celebrating a death without resurrection is pointless.  But celebrating a resurrection from the death is another story.

But still why is it that I celebrate the death and resurrection of someone?  What does it mean to me?  It happened so long ago how could it have any bearing on me, you, or anyone?  All we have to go on is what is written in a book called the Bible.

First of all the death and resurrection wasn’t of just anyone, it was of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  What Jesus’ death and resurrection means is that since Jesus was a pure and blameless man without the blemish of sin that my sin was placed on Jesus and his blood was shed for me for the forgiveness of my sins.  Add to that the story of Jesus is not just written in any old book, it is written in the Bible which is the word of God.

First of all, how does one know if they have ever committed a sin that would separate them from God?  Let me cut right to the chase here and see what God has to say and how He sees you.

1: Have you ever told a lie?  Even a little white lie?
Yes?  God sees you as a liar!

2: Have you ever stolen anything?  Even when you were a kid did you sneak a cookie?  
Yes?  God sees you as a thief!

3: Have you ever looked at another in lust?  Ever thought to yourself “Wow!  What a body!”
Yes?  God sees you as an adulterer!

4: Have you ever taken God’s name in vain?  God’s last name is not damn it!
Yes?  God sees you as a blasphemer!  An extremely serious sin!

5: Have you ever made anything more important in your life the God?  Do you put God first in everything you do?  
Yes?  God sees you as an idolater!

6: Have you ever hated someone?  Jesus said that having anger in your heart towards someone is the same as murder!
Yes?  God sees you as a murderer!

This is just six of God’s original “Ten Commandments.”  I think most get the picture by this point.

If you, like me, answered yes to any of the above questions God says
He will not let you into Heaven because of your actions unless there is payment for your sins.

But why do we need a payment paid for our sins?  What does that have to do with anything?  The only payment for sins that God accepts is blood.  Paul said in Romans 3:25 “We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us.”  It is by Jesus’ blood that our sins are paid for.  Furthermore Jesus said in Luke 13:3 & Mark 16:16 “And you will also perish unless you turn from your evil ways and turn to God.”  “Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.”  So there you have it.  Believe in Jesus that He shed his blood for us for the remission of our sins, be baptized, and you will be saved and have eternal life in Heaven.

If you’re not sure if your sins are forgiven please say this simple little prayer.  A prayer is just simply talking to God.  Just say “Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner.  I know that you shed your blood for the forgiveness of my sins.  I now repent of my sins and ask you to come into me and be my Lord and Savior.  In Jesus name, Amen.”  

If you just said that little prayer I believe that you just became “Born Again” and you are now on your way to eternal life in Jesus Christ.  Please let me know if you prayed that prayer or if you’re not sure.  Either way I’d like to visit with you and get you some information.  Please send me an email @

Be Blessed!


Great News Network

I thought that this would be great to put up here on my blog.  The following is an introduction I wrote about me to introduce myself to others in the Great News Network.  I hope you enjoy finding out a little bit more about me and where I’m at in life.

Wow!  Am I excited to get hooked up with the Great News Network!  A little bit about me… I’m 43 & married to a wonderful wife Pam with whom God blessed me with.  We’ve got six kids, youngest 3, and one grandbaby, 5 months old.  I’m back in college full time.  I also umpire baseball full time in the spring & summer.

I was born and raised in a Christian home but I never repented of my sins & accepted Jesus as my Lord & Savior until I was 25.  I immediately went into ministry training after I got saved and took to the streets for the first time in 1991.  It was during this time that the Lord introduced me to my wife.  We were married the following year.  When we got married my wife already had two children from a previous relationship and the Lord has blessed us with four more kids.

In the mid 1990’s I got out of hand pretty bad.  I strayed away from God and thus I was not the Godly head of house that God had called me to be.  I was in bad shape spiritually, emotionally, and fiscally.  My wife had all she could take and while I was out one summer day in 1996 she loaded up the kids and fled.

Fast forward two years.  I was fighting to get my life back in order.  We both were attending the same church where we met and got married in.  The senior pastor acting in divine wisdom ordered both of us into counseling so he could have peace in his church.  To make a long story short 1 ½ in years later in December of 1999 my wife and I were remarried.  I’m not sure I’ve ever felt such a presence of the Holy Spirit as I felt that day.  I cried through the whole service!

Fast forward again too early 2005.  I knew there was something that wasn’t right with me.  I was starting to get out of control again and there was nothing I felt I could do about it.  This time I sought professional help.  After about 3 months of testing and research of my history my doctors determined that I had both Bipolar disorder and ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).  With my ADHD I’m in good company with people such as Mark Lowery & Ty Pennington!

The rest of 2005 was spent finding a balance on meds for my Bipolar & ADHD.  Medically both Bipolar & ADHD have had more advances in their research and treatment in the past 5-10 years then in the past century.  Bipolar is now known to be physical in nature and is also proven to be hereditary.  I am so blessed for my doctors to have found a balance in my meds that not only allows me to function just fine but actually function most of the time at a slightly manic, energetic pace.  Jesse Duplantis ain’t got nothing on me!

Earlier this year God led me through end time prophecies in the Bible and opened my eyes to just how close to the end we really are.  Out of this was once again birthed a desire to reach and win the Lost for Jesus.  I talked about this in my blog a few days ago.  I said It’s been a long time since God has put this kind of fire in my heart and I’ve just got one thing to say about it.  IT FEELS GOOD!!!”

I caught Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron on TBN about a month ago & I felt God speaking into my heart telling me to pay attention & dig into Ray’s teachings.  After doing some pretty serious research about Ray I found nothing but God breathed inspiration and I knew in my heart that this is where Jesus wants me.  The interesting thing is that there are already others standing with me here in Wichita with this.  We’re preparing ourselves for our first big outreach next month.  I can hardly wait!

I can’t say that I’m not nervous because I am.  In fact I’m so nervous that I lay in bed at night sometimes having to wait for the comfort of the Holy Spirit.  However I do know two things.  First, I doing God’s work and God will give me the words and the boldnest to speak.  Secondly, I am not to fear rejection for it is not I that could possibly be rejected but if someone choose to reject the Great News they are rejecting Jesus.

I’ll try to put up more as things progress!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

I Choose To Do My Best For God

I just put this post up on one of our officials/umpiring forums & I thought that I ought to put it on my blog as well.

I find that my faith in God and the divine guidance I receive from the Holy Spirit has been has been an immeasurable asset to me. We are told that we need to fear God as our Father. My fear of God is what holds me impartial as a sports official. I know that when I step on the court or on the field that not only is it my job to be fair and impartial but that my Christian witness is on the line. In addition I know that some day I will have to answer to God for everything that I've done.

I try to have a quiet time with God every night. If during the day I called a game and wasn't fair or impartial how could I face my Father that night? I'm not saying that I don't blow calls from time to time, I do, and that’s just human. This is where grace comes in.

Romans 6:14 (NLT) "Sin is no longer your master, for you are no longer subject to the law, which enslaves you to sin. Instead, you are free by God's grace." I have the grace to repent before God when I do blow it. Continuing in Romans 6 with verses 15 & 16 "So since God's grace has set us free from the law, does this mean we can go on sinning? Of course not! Don't you realize that whatever you choose to obey becomes your master? You can choose sin, which leads to death, or you can choose to obey God and receive his approval." I choose to do my best for God and my faults, which God & I are working on, are covered by grace.

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Somebody Slap Me!

Somebody slap me and get me going!  I’ve been doing a horrible job keeping up with writing my blog!  I can sure tell it’s springtime as everything is starting to go nuts around here!  This is going to be one of those typical weekends where I won’t know if I’m coming or going and it won’t be much better for my poor wife!

Starting tomorrow night my umpiring goes into overdrive!  I’ve got either two or three games both Thursday & Friday night at two different locations.  Saturday I split five games between two different locations and Sunday I slow down with only three games.  When it’s all said and done Sunday evening I plan on just going to church, collapse, and sit there and let our pastor pour into me.  I’m sure I won’t be able to do much else!

One of my goals this year is to reach out and both minister and witness as I’m umpiring.  I hope to be available for Jesus to use me whenever and where he should so choose.  This fire that Jesus has put in my heart to witness and reach the lost is something else.  It’s been a long time since God has put this kind of fire in my heart and I’ve just got one thing to say about it.  IT FEELS GOOD!!!

I’ve been looking around for a tract to use while witnessing that cuts right to the chase.  After quite a bit of looking and not finding one God put it on my heart to publish my own.  I’m teaming up with my good friend and brother in Christ Timmy Mac to produce a first quality Gospel tract that focuses on the Ten Commandments, or at least the first six, to show people how their sin separates them from God and why God won’t let them into Heaven just because they are “A Good Person.”  It will also show that they are doomed to Hell unless they repent and accept Jesus as their Savior.  On the back of the tract it will even have a place to do that.  

We will be making these tracts available to purchase for a nominal fee to cover the printing and shipping.  Hey, if we break even we’ll be ecstatic!  We just want to get these tracts out and in to peoples hands so they have a hard hitting, attention getting tract to use.  As soon as they are ready we will have them on Ebay and hopefully in some of the local churches to start with.  After that we will just wait and see how God leads with the distribution.  A website to back up these tracts is also planned.  Stay tuned for more exciting news to come about this!

Be Blessed!


Saturday, April 01, 2006

A Father's Heart

Over the years I’ve said that one of the best ways to understand how God has a Father’s Heart for you is to have kids yourself. I’ve learned more about being a Christian and how to approach my Father God from my kids then I could have ever hoped to learn from any other source. For years and years I’ve sat under some pretty great pastors and teachers but everything that they taught me really didn’t start to make sense until we started having kids.

Our daughter that had surgery on her hand Monday has really opened my eyes this week about a proper attitude and how to come see Daddy even when things are down. When she was getting prepped for surgery and was scared she wanted her Father. After the surgery she needed her Daddy. In fact as her Daddy I had the privilege to pick her up from her gurney and carry her to her bed. And this week while she’s been recovering she makes sure that every day she comes and sits on her Daddy’s lap and makes sure that Daddy puts his arms around her and holds her tight.

As she is my child and I am her father so are we children of God. Look at what the Apostle Paul has to say in Romans 8:14-16.
“For all who are led by the Spirit of God are children of God.
So you should not be like cowering, fearful slaves. You should behave instead like God's very own children, adopted into his family-calling him "Father, dear Father." For his Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts and tells us that we are God's children.”

If I come to my Father as my daughter comes to her father how much better of a relationship can I then have with my Father? My daughter moves her father’s heart. When my daughter comes to me and spends that personal time with me I can’t help but pour out my love on her. The same way it is with my Father. When I come to Him, open up to Him, crawl in His lap, and just let Him hold me, then He too can not help but to pour out His love on me. We are told in God’s word we need to be like a child. Jesus said in Mark 10:14 & 15
"Let the children come to me. Don't stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to such as these. I assure you, anyone who doesn't have their kind of faith will never get into the Kingdom of God."

To be as a child when I come to my Father means that I just have to have the faith to simply trust him and do what he tells me to do. I need to spend time with my Father on a daily basis. The more time I spend with my Father, the more I read what He has wrote me in His word, the more I seek to be like my Father the more pleased my Father will be with me. When my Father is pleased with me I can’t help but feel special and feel loved!

Be Blessed!