Saturday, December 10, 2005

And perhaps the LORD will see...

In 2nd Samuel 16 verses 5-14 we read where King David was traveling along with others when Shimei son of Gera, a member of Saul's family came out and started tormenting King David & the others he was traveling with.  He kept pace with them throwing dirt & rocks at King David from the hilltops.  When one of the men asked fro permission to go kill him King David said “Leave him alone and let him curse, for the LORD has told him to do it. And perhaps the LORD will see that I am being wronged and will bless me because of these curses."

It’s been a rough week.  At 2:00 a.m. this morning we were woke up abruptly.  We had a drunk hit & run driver in a Ford Explorer SUV loose it in front of our house & take the nose off of our Saturn I bought earlier this year & smash in the right rear corner of our Ford mini-van. The Explorer landed in our neighbor’s yard.  My neighbors across the street said the driver got out, stumbled around, then got back in his smashed up Explorer & take off down the street bouncing off of the curb.  The driver made it to the end of the street where he parked the crippled Explorer & fled on foot.  I guess the good news is he didn’t kill or injure anyone.

I should know Monday what the police found out & if the guy has any insurance.  I had to get the van put back together & running so we'd have wheels. I still can't get the rear hatch door open to load anything.  You can imagine what kind of day it’s been.  Needless to say with everything that’s happened my Bipolar is not doing good!  

Here’s what I’m doing.  The way things have happened this week and especially since 2:00 a.m. this morning I’m praying what King David Said in verse 12: “And perhaps the LORD will see that I am being wronged and will bless me because of these curses."  I talked with my pastor today and he encouraged me to be in the word and that just maybe God would bring some relief to my heart.  

I have a good pastor & he is right.  Spending some time in the word is starting to lighten the burden on my heart.  I know that in the past few days of reading in Proverbs God has given me more direction in my schooling.  I really feel God wants me to seek more “wisdom” in the form of higher education.

This is going to be tough but now I have no other choice then to trust God.  OK, here we go.  I’m still not exactly sure where God is taking me.  What I do know is that if I don’t want to be a miserable failure I’d better do what God says.  That is my only way out.

BTW… I met my challenge to share Jesus.  I said last Saturday that I challenged myself to share Jesus with at least one person.  I didn’t do it in person like I wanted too, I did it via e-mail.  It felt good to share Jesus.  I’m challenging myself to share Jesus again this week.

Be Blessed!


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