Monday, November 07, 2005

Something Good Just Happened!!!

I guess one way to tell that your blog is doing some good is when something good happens due to your blog. Last night I had an ol’ friend call me last night that I haven’t seen in person in a number years. We’ve stayed in touch via emails & phone calls but for various reasons we haven’t seen each other in probably ten years or so. My friend called me up and said that his wife had just asked for a legal separation.

We talked for a bit and my friend had told me that he was inspired by what I was writing in my blog. He was particularly moved by what I wrote about how God was working to bring me health and healing and that I was allowing God to use whatever means God chose to use. My friend had been following my blog very closely because he was dealing with some of the same issues I’ve had to deal with.

Here’s a quick recap here for those that haven’t been following closely or have just joined us. I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, Depression, & Adult ADHD. The path that I’m following which I feel is absolutely led by God is medication therapy, talk therapy with a psychologist on a bi-weekly basis, and marriage counseling with our pastor on a weekly basis. As far as meds go I’m taking Straterra for my ADHD, Lexapro for my depression and Seroquel & Geodon for my Bipolar disorder.

My friend told me that he and his wife were fighting quite a bit, nothing physical, but it definitely was verbally offensive and most certainly not of God. My friend also told me he was taking some anti-depressant meds too. I asked him if they had been to counseling. He told me that they had gone for a while to one guy and then some time back he moved away from the area and they really hadn’t settled in with another counselor yet. I also inquired as to his church attendance and found out the wife was going to church and he was doing Sunday morning church TV.

I thank God so very much that I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me because I didn’t have a clue what to say last night when he called. I just did on of those three second, silent, emergency prayers when he started talking. I just said “OK God, I’m blank! Help me out here!” You know what? God did just that!

I fumbled along and told my friend as soon as he got off of the phone to go to his wife and her in a humble way if she would let him pray over her and pray for the both of them. I also told him they need to get in with a good Christian counselor since they’re both Christians. I then gave him the “Fred Challenge” which is reading the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to that day.

Guess what? It worked! God did it! I spoke with my friend this evening and he told me that yes they did pray together last night and they had spoken some again today already. The smoke & flames were gone today! My friend and his wife had gotten deeper last night and today then they had in years!

The parting words that I gave my friend this evening was to just be humble, keep praying, get into a good church and be there more then just on Sunday mornings, find a good Christian marriage counselor, and since they were both open to it, talk with either their family doctor or preferably a good psychiatrist.

Funny how things can change for the better when God is leading! I’m reminded of 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” Who’s called by God? You are, my friend and his family are, and I am. Anyone who hears the word of God is called.

God is a loving God! God wants nothing more then to heal broken hearts, mend broken relationships, and restore what the enemy has stolen. Praise God that God was able to work through my blog! I don’t take the credit for it as I was the one that lost for words. It was entirely a “God Thing!”

Thank You Jesus!!!

Be Blessed!!!


Anonymous said...

That's wonderful how not only did your blog ministered to your friend, but save his marriage!!

(Pray Until Something Happens)

Katie Kat

Anonymous said...

One other thing, though. Glad your friend called and let you know he was reading your blog. Wonder how many of your friends are reading, but not leaving comments.

I'm surprised that noone else has left comments. It's not that hard to do--but you have to remember to fill in the letters in the word verification area.