Friday, February 03, 2006

All mIxEd uP AGAIN!

I’m starting to get settled back in college finally.  I found out Wednesday that I scored a perfect score on an English test I took the other day.  In addition I think I scored a perfect score on the English test paper I wrote Wednesday.  My Public Speaking (Speech) and English Comp are very closely related.  I like both of my instructors and they both say I’m doing great work.  When your instructors have faith in you and complement you it makes it much easier to have faith in yourself.

I found out that I’ve got an A in my Computer Mechanics class.  This is the class that I’ve been struggling in.  Our grades for all of our classes are posted in our private student portfolio online.  We can log in and see the latest posting of our grades so we can see where all of our grades are at.  When I saw my A in my Computer Mechanics class I went to my instructor and asked him if there was a typo.  He said due to me showing up for every class and participating in class is the reason that I’ve achieved an A so far.

I’m also getting to where I’m enjoying the rest of my classes.  Now, if I can just keep this steady pace up, I believe I’ll make it in college.  What a difference getting my ADHD under control has done for me.  Taking the last three years off from college and achieving a balance with my disorders has made a new student out of me.

We had our State baseball rules meeting Wednesday evening.  I’ve been looking forward to this meeting as this means that we’re getting close to that ever so sacred first pitch.  How bad do I have baseball fever?  Every time we drive by one of the ballparks I work I just have to say out loud “Play Ball!”  Once again, I’m sure glad I’ve got a wife that humors me!

I’ve been trying to write this blog for three days now.  While the above highlights what is going good in my life not all things are coming up roses.  I’m still having terrible med hangovers in the mornings.  It flat stinks having to wake up.  When my meds kick in I can sleep through just about anything.  In addition if Pam doesn’t come and pry my but out of bed I could easily sleep 10-12 hours.  It’s nice not bouncing off of the walls all of the time but we’ve got to keep working to give me a life.

The last couple of weeks it’s been sleeping in late, getting up and doing a few things around the house.  Then it’s off to get the kids from school and turn around and ship me off to college.  I may not be as hyper as I used to be but my internal clock still gets wound up tight in the evening and sometimes I can’t get to sleep until anywhere from 3:00-5:00 a.m. in the morning.  Man I wish we could get my clock straightened out!

Oh well, it’s 12:45 in the morning.  I hope my meds will kick in here in a little bit so I can get some sleep before it gets too much later.

More to come later!

Be Blessed!


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