Saturday, April 15, 2006

Celebrating Easter?

So why do I celebrate Easter?  Is it because of a bunny?  Of course not.  I celebrate Easter because of the death and resurrection of Jesus.  So why is it that I would celebrate a death?  Celebrating a death without resurrection is pointless.  But celebrating a resurrection from the death is another story.

But still why is it that I celebrate the death and resurrection of someone?  What does it mean to me?  It happened so long ago how could it have any bearing on me, you, or anyone?  All we have to go on is what is written in a book called the Bible.

First of all the death and resurrection wasn’t of just anyone, it was of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.  What Jesus’ death and resurrection means is that since Jesus was a pure and blameless man without the blemish of sin that my sin was placed on Jesus and his blood was shed for me for the forgiveness of my sins.  Add to that the story of Jesus is not just written in any old book, it is written in the Bible which is the word of God.

First of all, how does one know if they have ever committed a sin that would separate them from God?  Let me cut right to the chase here and see what God has to say and how He sees you.

1: Have you ever told a lie?  Even a little white lie?
Yes?  God sees you as a liar!

2: Have you ever stolen anything?  Even when you were a kid did you sneak a cookie?  
Yes?  God sees you as a thief!

3: Have you ever looked at another in lust?  Ever thought to yourself “Wow!  What a body!”
Yes?  God sees you as an adulterer!

4: Have you ever taken God’s name in vain?  God’s last name is not damn it!
Yes?  God sees you as a blasphemer!  An extremely serious sin!

5: Have you ever made anything more important in your life the God?  Do you put God first in everything you do?  
Yes?  God sees you as an idolater!

6: Have you ever hated someone?  Jesus said that having anger in your heart towards someone is the same as murder!
Yes?  God sees you as a murderer!

This is just six of God’s original “Ten Commandments.”  I think most get the picture by this point.

If you, like me, answered yes to any of the above questions God says
He will not let you into Heaven because of your actions unless there is payment for your sins.

But why do we need a payment paid for our sins?  What does that have to do with anything?  The only payment for sins that God accepts is blood.  Paul said in Romans 3:25 “We are made right with God when we believe that Jesus shed his blood, sacrificing his life for us.”  It is by Jesus’ blood that our sins are paid for.  Furthermore Jesus said in Luke 13:3 & Mark 16:16 “And you will also perish unless you turn from your evil ways and turn to God.”  “Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned.”  So there you have it.  Believe in Jesus that He shed his blood for us for the remission of our sins, be baptized, and you will be saved and have eternal life in Heaven.

If you’re not sure if your sins are forgiven please say this simple little prayer.  A prayer is just simply talking to God.  Just say “Dear Jesus, I know that I am a sinner.  I know that you shed your blood for the forgiveness of my sins.  I now repent of my sins and ask you to come into me and be my Lord and Savior.  In Jesus name, Amen.”  

If you just said that little prayer I believe that you just became “Born Again” and you are now on your way to eternal life in Jesus Christ.  Please let me know if you prayed that prayer or if you’re not sure.  Either way I’d like to visit with you and get you some information.  Please send me an email @

Be Blessed!


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