Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good News/Bad News

I guess I’ll start this blog off with some good news and some bad news. The good news is that I didn’t gain any weight. The bad news is that I didn’t loose any either. The good news is that my diabetes is finally stabilized that I can get new glasses. The bad news is that I’m still in my spiritual drought.

I went to the doctor again yesterday and the doctor was pleased with my diabetes and my efforts to loose weight. The doctor however did give me a bit of bad news that is kind of personal so I won’t share it here. Nothing serious, it was just something I was hoping for. Now it’s more of an inconvenience than anything. Overall though my doctor is very pleased with me!

I wish I knew why I’m in a spiritual drought. I try to pray every day. I go to church on Sunday and prayer meeting on Wednesday. I try to read in the Word every night. I watch Christian programming quite a bit of the time rather then watching a bunch of the junk that’s on TV. I do think that one of the things that is dragging me down right now is the fact that I want to go back to work really, really bad but my health just isn’t quite there yet. That is one thing that I wrestle with on a daily basis.

I know the Lord is in control and is taking care of me and my family and for that I am extremely grateful. One thing that I’ve been wrestling with though is my reading in Proverbs. There are 31 Proverbs and I try to read one every night. One thing that has been wearing me down there is Proverbs talks distitutely about a man that doesn’t work and doesn’t provide for his family. I realize that I’m drawing on Social Security that I paid in over the years so in other words I’m living off of my storehouse but it’s just not something that I’m comfortable doing.

I guess I should pray for peace in my life and for the Lord to give me clear guidance and direction for my life. Right now I feel I blew a huge opportunity to go back to school this semester but we were down to just one car. I hope and pray that changes soon.

The good news is that the first of the month is almost here and that means not only is it payday for Pam & I but we will have all of our W-2’s & 1099’s so we can file our income tax and get our refund back. This year we’re planning on getting my wife’s car going again, paying off a bunch of bills and just generally getting back on our feet financially! Yea, again!

Oh well, I’ve rambled on enough tonight!

Be Blessed!


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