Monday, May 08, 2006

Obeying God Works!

Once again it’s been a bit since I last posted here on my blog. I’ve been pretty busy with work and school and then add in to that the fact of our internet being down here at the house has made it kind of tough to post. Let's me see if I can’t get back into the groove and post a little bit more often.

Even thought it’s been raining a bunch and work has been sporadic due to the rain it does feel good to be back to work full-time. I’m driving a truck during the day delivering grass sod and I’m umpiring baseball most every evening except Sundays. On a normal week I’ll umpire 10-12 games. That’s a lot of baseball!

Being off work as long as I was drawing unemployment every week put a real bind on our finances. My wife and I decided that the only way that we’re going to get out of this financial hole that I got us in to is to tithe our way out of it. Since we started tithing diligently every week we’ve really started to see God’s mighty hand move in our finances. Miraculously the money has been there to pay our basic bills and needs.

A couple of days ago we needed about $625 to pay our electric bill or they were going to shut our electricity off. I really felt my heart sink when the Westar Energy rep showed up on our doorstep and said pay up or get turned off. I got the rep to give me an hour to get the money. Miraculously god made the money available and I paid the bill!

This is not the only miracle that we’ve seen since we’ve started tithing. About a week ago I was taking a load of sod from the farm out at Burton which is 45 miles northwest of Wichita to Winfield which is 40 southeast of Wichita. Apparently when I climbed up in the truck at Burton my wallet found out of my pocket and must have landed on the truck’s running board. Another truck driver found my wallet laying in the highway down by Mulvane which is about 15 miles southeast of Wichita and turned my wallet over to the Highway Patrol who then brought it back to our home here in Wichita and gave it to my wife. I had a substantial amount of cash in my wallet and the only thing missing was my pictures and some other unimportant stuff. All of my money was still in there! That’s a miracle, praise God!

It’s amazing what God can do when you follow His directions. When we started tithing and following in His will He started moving in our lives! When we tithe and give now we pray over our giving and now we expect the hundred fold blessing back! In fact when we go the Altar to give we pray specifically for what we need and what we are trusting God for. Right now we are praying and trusting God for the money to get our financial house in order specifically to get all of our bills caught up and for the first time in a long, long time have a balanced or better budget.

Like I mentioned in earlier blogs I know the call of God is on my life to preach the Good News. I have been at a loss of how I would be able to do that with us being in such a deep financial hole but now I see how God is getting us out of that hole so we can push on to heed the call that God has given us. I expect by mid-summer through God’s moving in our finances to have us back in decent shape! Now that we have a plan to get out of our financial hole I can start seeking God on what he has in store for me in ministry. For once I have a doable vision to reach my first love which is preaching the Good news of Jesus Christ!

One last thing…

A great big shout out to Timmy Mac and his new bride as they were united in Holy Matrimony Saturday! May Jesus richly bless you and your new bride Timmy Mac!!!

Be Blessed!


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