Monday, January 01, 2007


Wow! So much for 2006! I can’t believe it’s been a month since my last blog! One of the things that I resolve to o for 2007 is to be more consistent in everything that I do and that includes my blogging! Speaking of resolving, last night at church we had a big party to welcome in the New Year and during that party I wrote my “Top 10 Resolutions For The New Year”

Here we go, see what you think of my resolutions.

1: Worship God more intensely.

2: Study God’s word every day.

3: Purge anything not of God from my life.

4: Spend more quality time with family.

5: Start my diet all over again.

6: Build my business selling cars.

7: Manage time better.

8: Get finances straightened out.

9: Apply myself at college better.

10: Finish writing my first book.

I got to thinking the other day and I realized that I haven’t been worshipping God with the passion that I have done in the years past. I used to really get into Praise and Worship singing, praising, raising my arms, and in general just really getting into an intimate place with God. I really haven’t done that since I had my breakdown close to two years ago now.

I now realize that the praise and worship that enjoyed in the past is something that has really been missing in my life. I really feel that if I get my spiritual life back in order where it needs to be then everything else will follow. It’s not that I haven’t loved God, it’s just that I haven’t drawing anywhere near close enough to him.

Another biggie that I have facing me in my life is starting my diet all over again. When I went on my diet about three years ago I stayed on it for about eighteen months and I lost about 145 pounds. I went off of my diet at the same time I was diagnosed with Bi-Polar disorder. Between the meds that I was put on and just basically giving up on life for a time I really put back on some serious weight gaining back nearly every pound that I had lost. This time I plan to loose the weight and keep it off for good!

I’ve also been given the opportunity to build a great business selling cars. When you’re working for a new car dealer you basically have to treat your job as your business. If you do that you can build a great customer base and make a very nice living. That is exactly what I plan to do.

Also, I plan on continuing in college part time. College is something that I have to do for me. One of my biggest regrets is not finishing college the first time. A big piece of me on the inside will not be settled until I have that Bachelors degree.

Finally, this book that I’m writing is something that’s been on my heart for years and years. I’m about half done with my book. My book is excerpts from my blog over the past couple of years. Hopefully in the next few months I’ll have enough good blogs wrote to get my book to my publisher.

So there it is, my resolutions for this New Year. What are your resolutions? Did you even make any resolutions? I’d love to hear what your resolutions are! Drop me a line and let me know! I might even choose some of your resolutions as topics for future blogs. Don’t worry, you’ll remain anonymous. I’ll protect the guilty! He He!

Be Blessed!

Big Scott

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