Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm Scared!!!

Just a quick note…

Let me encourage you to check out John Hagee Ministries John Hagee is one of the world’s foremost experts on what’s happening in the Middle East and particularly Israel. Any Christian that knows anything about Bible prophecy will tell you that we are living in the final days.

I know that personally God is putting a burning desire in my heart to reach the lost. This is intensified just that much more by knowing that I don’t have much time to reach the lost. Personally I am scared that the Trumpet could sound at any moment now and we Christians would be caught up with Jesus in the clouds.

Why am I scared? It’s not that I am not going to Heaven as I know that I am, it’s that I know that there will be those left behind that I failed to share Jesus with. I am scared for those that don’t believe and don’t share my love of Jesus. I care deeply for all of my family, friends, associates, & others and I know that some of each won’t be caught up with me!

Please, I beg you, if there is someone you love or care about that you’re not sure that they are saved, please share the good news of Jesus with them! THERE’S NOT MUCH TIME LEFT!

Be Blessed!!!


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