Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Who I Am & What I Do

I’ve been in Wichita since 1998. I grew up in Southwest Kansas in the little town of Ingalls. I also lived in Dodge City & Garden City for a few years. My family is mainly from West Central Oklahoma in the Cordell area. I graduated from Ingalls High School in 1981. I’ve also attended Dodge Juco & Cowley College. I learned to do evangelistic work at the church I attended in Garden City and also own my own by working with various pastors & others. I’ve also done some evangelistic studying via the internet going through Way of the Master teachings with Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron plus a few others.

I’ve been married to my wife Pam this time since 1999. We were married in 1992 and divorced in 1996 mainly due to my failure to be the husband and father that the Lord had called me to be. In 1998 we both were attending the same church and agreed to go to counseling if for no other then to have peace in the church. One thing led to another and the Lord reconciled our marriage on December 12, 1999. Now we have the Lord at the center of our marriage and we are married for life! We’ve been attending Word of Life here in Wichita for quite some time now. We’re firmly entrenched there now and really love it there especially with the support we get for both our family and my ministry.

We have six kids & three grandsons. The oldest is 23 and the youngest is six. We have three girls & three boys. Our 15 year old son is Autistic and is quite a handful. We’ve found that having a special needs child can be quite taxing at times.

As far as my ministry goes I go witnessing on the street, in Dillon’s, Wal-Mart’s and other places where I can pass out my gospel tracts. My website is Check it out when you get a second. We just posted a new video on the video page that is quite funny. It’s the bottom one. Make sure you check it out!

I believe the Lord has called me to witness to a different group of people then one would think about when you say street ministry. Usually when you say street ministry you think of the homeless. As far as my ministry goes that’s one group that I don’t focus on. I focus rather on the average Joe so to say. I go after the unchurched and the lost on every level right on up to the professional level educated person.

I believe the Lord showed me that there are literally millions and millions of people out there that are going to die and go to hell if someone doesn’t reach out to them. These people include your everyday person you meet from your Wal-Mart worker right on up to your doctors and attorneys. Someone needs to reach these people and I believe that I’m one of the ones called to go out and reach them.

I currently am using the way that is taught by Ray Comfort & Kirk Cameron of Living Waters It’s a simple and direct method that uses the 10 Commandments to show individuals why they need Jesus. Check it out sometime when you get a second. Basically what I do is hand someone a million dollar bill which is really a gospel tract. Most everyone will take one. After they take it and if they stop for a second to look at it I tell them “On the back it asks the million dollar question. When you die where are you going, Heaven or Hell?” If they say Heaven, I ask them why would God let them in. If they say anything other then they’re saved by Jesus as their Lord & Savior I go deeper with them leading them through a few of the 10 Commandments to show them their need for a Savior and hopefully & prayerfully lead them to Jesus!

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