Monday, August 09, 2010

August Newsletter/Update

I guess I’ll start this blog out the same way I started out my blog/newsletter from last month. Wow! What an exciting month that July has been! I was able to pass out a couple hundred more tracts and many more heard the Good News of Jesus Christ with a total of nine salvations for Jesus Christ!

I’ve never had the pleasure of leading nine people to Jesus in one year let alone one month but the Holy Spirit was most definitely moving in July! Even more interesting all of the salvations took place at the Keeper of the Plains here in Wichita. I started the month of by leading three young people to the Lord all at one time and one by one they kept coming in!

It was kind of interesting what I did. I did what I saw another street evangelist in Atlanta do. I went and got me a camera, tripod, microphone, and someone to run the camera for me. We set up down at the Keeper of the Plains in the evening just before sunset which is when it gets busy there and I just invited people to come on camera so I could interview them.

You’d be amazed at how easy it is sometimes to get people to come on camera and talk to you! The first question that I ask is “When someone’s life on earth is over, when someone dies, do you believe there is any kind of afterlife or is that it?” Here in Wichita I find somewhere around a fourth of the people have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The other three quarters run the gamut from a mix of eastern religion to evolutionists not sure what they believe and everything in between!

What I try to do is to use the Way of the Master method of witnessing. Once I find out that they’re not saved I try to take them through the Ten Commandments to show them their sins and to show them why they need Jesus. The Way of the Master method works really great in that you are not judging them rather they see in their own hearts why they need a savior!

I will add that the Lord in the middle of this month gave me a goal to try to reach. Since I’ve been saved in 1988 it’s been my goal to try to lead one person a year to the Lord. Last month in the middle of July the Lord spoke to my heart and gave me the challenge of leading one person a WEEK to the Lord! To do this I’m going to need help and support from my family & friends. Please pray that the Lord will bless me with what I need to do this. Also please pray for my boldness to reach out so I can do what the Lord has called me to do! This is going to be a huge challenge for me but with the Lord’s help and the leading of the Holy Spirit I can do it!

Thank you for your time, prayers, & support!

Be Blessed!!!

Scott Kliewer

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