Monday, July 24, 2006

A Quick Follow Up...

A quick follow-up to my last blog... I spoke with a good friend of mine, Tuck, who is the head of the Word of Life Bible College here in Wichita about that blog and the yearning to lay hands on the afflicted and pray for a miraculous healing on them. Tuck advised me that if you feel led to pray for someone the best thing you can do is approach that person and ask them if you can pray for them & if they agree, go for it. Tuck told me “Don’t be afraid to be silly for God.”

Tuck went on to explain that sometimes God uses us in great ways when we are doing something we believe to be silly but yet we are doing what God has called us to do. Tuck finished by telling me to follow what the Lord has placed on my heart to do. If it’s God’s will for a person to be healed and we lay hands on that person as per our calling that yes, that person will be healed. I know now that I need to learn to trust my heart more when I know that the Lord is speaking to my heart and giving me instruction.

Be Blessed!!!


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