Thursday, July 06, 2006

A Huge Arguement Within Myself

Once again it’s been a bit since I’ve put a new blog up. This summer has been kind of crazy around our house just like it’s been around many of those of you who read this! Unfortunately work has been spotty at best with the weather playing a huge factor in how much I do get to work since I work for a grass farm. In addition I came down with a rather nasty viral infection that almost put me in the hospital.

It seems that silly me didn’t wear tights like you’re suppose too underneath my shin guards and pants when I was umpiring and my shin guards rubbed me raw in a couple of places, the through those raw spots my legs got infected. I tried to fight that off for a couple of weeks on my own to no avail and then in the time of a couple of days the infection took off and spread from my arms all the way down to my feet.

This knocked me out of umpiring for a couple of weeks and introduced me quite nicely to our new family physician and a whole ton of antibiotics! The good news is now that I’ve almost got it beat. A bunch of prayer and some good work by my doctors and I’m back up & going!

Changing subjects here something has really been nagging at me quite bad. I was at Wal-Mart a week or so ago and as I was walking back out to my car I passed a man getting out of his pickup and into a wheelchair. Something inside of me almost screamed out to do as the Apostle Peter did in Acts 3. Something inside of me wanted me to stretch my hand out and quote Acts 3:6 "I'll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, get up and walk!"

This set off a huge argument within myself. On one side was my fleshly, mortal man saying “Are you crazy? You’re not Peter! You’re not Benny Hinn! If you do this and fail both you and God will look like a total idiot!” Then on the other side of me was my Spirit Man, the Spiritual Warrior saying “Why would God only give the gift of healing to Benny Hinn? If God tells you to lay hands on someone to be healed, do it! God will heal them! Where’s your faith? Just think of all of the glory it would bring God if you walked up to a perfect stranger, someone that is crippled, laid hands on them and they were healed in the name of Jesus! Exercise you faith Man!!!”

What did I do? I did what any earthly person would do, I kept walking. In a way I’m angry with myself that I did keep walking but on the other hand my fleshly side was quite relieved that I didn’t try to prove myself to be a certified mental case! The one thing that keeps nagging at me here though is that I know that God gives every Spiritual Gift out to different people this very day. Is God trying to pour out on me a new Spiritual Gift? This is not the first time that this has happened, this is twice now.

The first time that I was called to do this was in a restaurant when a single mom’s little daughter who was about 5 was tossing her cookies in a trash can. I know that I blew that one. I could have simply touched her and she would have been healed. I have absolutely no doubt about it. I said if I was ever given that opportunity again I wouldn’t blow it. The question is, was I just given that opportunity again and did I blow it?

I know that I’ll be getting some feedback on this one and I do look forward to it. I’m looking forward to hearing more from the Lord on this one!

Be Blessed!!!


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