Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Every Second Seven People Die

Every second seven people die. That’s 420 people every minute. That’s 25,200 every hour. That’s 604,800 every day. How many of these people are dying and going to hell? Does it matter to you? Do you care enough to do anything about it?

Bill Bright of Campus Crusade for Christ says that only two percent of all Christians share their faith on a regular basis, only two percent! Promise Keepers says that ninety percent of all men have never shared their faith! That doesn’t sound much like the New Testament church of Acts does it?

I know what Jesus saved me from. Looking at the Ten Commandments and knowing what Jesus taught I know that I broke every one of the Commandments. I was destined for hell! Before I could be saved though I had to know that I had broken the Commandments, I had to know that I was destined for Hell, and I had to know that Hell is a very real place! I realized Hell is no party place and that the flames, the punishment, and the eternal separation was real.

Hell to this very day and always will be the worst place you can imagine. In fact it took a revelation in a dream one night for me to realize just how real and how horrible Hell really is. Hell is a very dark place, the darkest place one will ever find, absolutely no light whatsoever! Psychologists say that one will go crazy in a matter of minutes in pure darkness. How about an eternity of darkness? Next come the flames and the stench of burning sulfur and flesh, your flesh, once again for all eternity! No, Hell is not a nice place.

I believe once Christians get a conception of what Hell really is it will shake them and help motivate to share their faith. Without a true conception of Hell why would anyone have a burning desire in their heart to reach the lost and dying? True, one may share out of their love for Jesus but when you realize how real Hell is it takes the urgency the need to share to another level!

A special thanks to Mark Cahill for his research!

Next Blog: How To Share Your Faith!

Be Blessed!!!


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