Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spiritual Drought

Have you ever been in a spiritual drought? You know, where no matter what you do it seems you just can’t get close to Jesus? Right now that’s where I’m at. I’m in a spiritual drought, again. I say again because this is not the first one that I’ve been in and who knows it may not be the last.

I describe a spiritual drought as being at a point in your spiritual life where you feel dry spiritually, not having the feeling of being close to God and not having the Holy Spirit filling your life with the living water that comes from God that we all thirst and long for. While I still long to draw close to Jesus it just seems that no matter what I do I just can’t draw close like I want to.

Why do I have these spiritual droughts? I’m not always for sure. Sometimes I wonder if it is the Lord testing me to see how I do on my own to see if I stay true and honest to Him. Sometimes I feel that it’s my fault as I’ve been disobedient in some way. Sometimes it may be a mixture of things and sometimes I don’t have clue why I’m in a spiritual drought.

I know that this time my spiritual drought is caused by a number of things. First, I’m about to pull my hair out trying to make ends meet financially while we wait on the full amount of our disability benefits to kick in. I know the scripture says not to worry but that is hard thing not to do! I also know that while I’m struggling to keep us afloat financially it takes time and energy away from me that I could be using to draw closer to the Lord via spending more time in the word and praying.

I know that it is the enemy keeping me worrying and I’ve got to put an end to it. However it’s not always a simple thing to do. One thing I do know however that as I shed light on the attacks of the enemy they will subside and eventually cease because now I’ve stated my failures and my weaknesses the Lord can now come in through the prayer of not only myself but my family and friends.

I know now that this drought is only temporary and that now I have spoken out about my drought this drought will soon end.

Let me encourage you that if you are or you get into a spiritual drought that you share where your at with others so they can pray with you and you too will be able to join me in the victory that is at hand!

You know… I feel better already!

Be Blessed!!!


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