Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Summer's Winding Down

Wow, this summer sure has flown by!  I can’t believe that school started today for the kids!  Add to it that my summer starts sometime around the first of April when baseball starts and for me it officially ended this weekend when the National Baseball Congress held its final, championship game.  In other words, as an umpire, my summer this year coincided with baseball.  I was one of the boys of summer!

One highlight that my wife and I had a couple of weeks ago was that we were blessed with about 150 Gospel tracts and one night of the NBC tournament we went down to the game and passed the tracts out to people between the games as they were both coming and going.  We walked around the parking lot talking with people and putting a Gospel tract in their hand.  My wife was pretty nervous about going down and doing this but once we got going she was amazed at how easy it really was to pas out Gospel tracts.

I’ll say this, my wife is definitely the outgoing person that I am, in fact my wife is scared silly to go out and talk to strangers.  If my wife can go out with me and pass out Gospel tracts it pretty safe to say that most any person can do it.  I hope my wife overcoming her fear can be an inspiration to others.  If someone is afraid to walk up to a total stranger and hand them a Gospel tract and talk with them about Jesus that’s fine.  But the question is what can you do?  

I encourage people to go buy an interesting pack of Gospel tracts and just leave them wherever you go.  Leaving a wait person a tip?  Leave that tip in a Gospel tract.  Leave them on pay phones, wherever!  Just start leaving a Gospel tract.  It’s easy!  The point is that a person needs to hear the Gospel.  I’ve heard that it takes a person being presented the Gospel somewhere around nine times before they give their heart to the Lord.  If someone gets a tract that one of those nine times being counted for.  Is your tract #1?  #3?  #7?  Or is it #9?  We don’t know what number we will be but one thing we do know is that we will be the number that the Lord chooses.

Work lately has been pretty much non-existent due to the weather.  Working for a grass farm has kept me at the mercy of the weather and here in Kansas that’s not always good!  I decided I needed to find a new job and today I received a call from one of the top trucking companies in the company informing me that they had a position open for me running regional out of Wichita here.  This job will have me home almost every day with very few overnights and I’ll also have weekends off.  Add to this it pays almost double what my current job pays!  Once again it pays to tithe so the lord can bless you!

One thing that this new job will offer me is the opportunity to witness to other truck drivers and others that cross my path while I’m out on the road.  One thing that the Lord has been putting on my heart is getting out and sharing the Gospel.  The fire and the passion that the Lord has put on my heart to do this is a very consuming fire.  I am also finding that this fire and passion is not just being poured out on me but many others too.

I know that we are in the last days and God’s Word tells us that this is exactly what the Lord will do in these final days.  Joel prophesized in Joel 2:29 and it was repeated in Acts 2:18.  In those days I will pour out my Spirit upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy.  Seeing how the Lord is pouring out his Spirit that this is just another confirmation to me that we are indeed in the last days.

I’ll try to post here on a regular basis on how things are going with this new job and about the opportunities that the Lord is bringing my way to share the Good news of the Gospel.

Be Blessed!!!


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