Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Fear of Failure!

What is one fear that every person on earth has built into them? It’s “The Fear of Failure.” What is the number one reason people are afraid to step out and try their hand at something new? It’s “The Fear of Failure.” What is the number one reason that people are afraid to tackle a tough and demanding endeavor? It’s “The Fear of Failure.” I could go on and on here but I think that you get the picture.

The Fear of Failure is something that we each have to face from time to time. Right now the Fear of Failure is something that I am having to face at this point in my life. I have a decision that I must make in the next couple of days regarding the next few years of my life in regards to a career move since the doctor is taking off of the truck. For me right now the Fear of Failure is looking me square in the face.

Both the company doctor two days ago and then my doctor yesterday both asked me the same exact question. “What else can you do?” Wow, what a question! “What else can I do that I can make a living at and provide for my family and get us out of this financial situation that we’re in?” is really what I heard them saying.

This is where the Fear of Failure comes in. What do I do? What am I good at? What can I physically do? Who will hire me? What if someone hires me and I can’t cut it and I fail? I know that right now failure is not an option. My family is counting on me not to fail them.

This is really a test of my faith! I know that God has a plan for my life. I know that God has a great job for me. God just reminded me of Jeremiah 29:11 that God made to His people of which we Christians are grafted into. “For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

In addition I am reminded of Matthew 6:25-34. Jesus really nails here when He talks about a loving Father/God providing for us, His children

"So I tell you, don't worry about everyday life--whether you have enough food, drink, and clothes. Doesn't life consist of more than food and clothing? Look at the birds. They don't need to plant or harvest or put food in barns because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are far more valuable to him than they are. Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not.
"And why worry about your clothes? Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing, yet Solomon in all his glory was not dressed as beautifully as they are. And if God cares so wonderfully for flowers that are here today and gone tomorrow, won't he more surely care for you? You have so little faith!
"So don't worry about having enough food or drink or clothing. Why be like the pagans who are so deeply concerned about these things? Your heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern.
"So don't worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today's trouble is enough for today.”

Just to add a little emphasis here the Lord also brought Jeremiah 17:7 & 8 to me here. "But blessed are those who trust in the LORD and have made the LORD their hope and confidence. They are like trees planted along a riverbank, with roots that reach deep into the water. Such trees are not bothered by the heat or worried by long months of drought. Their leaves stay green, and they go right on producing delicious fruit.”

So how do I face my Fear of Failure? I must do as Jesus commanded in Matthew 7:7 & 8 "Keep on asking, and you will be given what you ask for. Keep on looking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks, receives. Everyone who seeks, finds. And the door is opened to everyone who knocks.” I just have to keep seeking the Lord and asking Him which way to go and what I should do. If I keep on looking for that job, that career, and I seek the Lord in this, I will find.

If I seek the Lord, if I follow the Lord, if I trust in the Lord, and if I draw from the Lord, then borrowing a line from the show “Fear Factor”, “Fear of Failure is not a factor.”

Be Blessed!


Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Really Not Stuck...

The other day I wrote a blog about being stuck. I received some feedback about that blog saying I was really not stuck but I was at a certain point in my journey with God. I was reminded that we are really never stuck and we are either moving forward or backwards but we are never at a standstill point with God.

I received an offer of employment yesterday driving truck out of Wichita here. Today I went in to get my pre-employment drug screen and physical. Everything was going great until the doctor reviewed the meds I was taking for my Bipolar disorder. The doctor stopped and told me that I would not be allowed to drive a semi with the meds that I was on. I was devastated.

Just when I thought that everything was turning around for the better I get walloped. Tomorrow I’ll go see my psychiatrist to see if I can get my meds changed so I can get back out on the road. Right now it doesn’t look good but my wife and I are hoping for the best. All I can tell you is that this is in God’s hands.

I’m reminded of the story of Job. Job was being tested by Satan to see if Job would curse and blame God. Job was bombarded with loss after loss but job never would curse and blame God even after his friends were begging Job to do so. Job wound up loosing everything including his health for a time but in the end Job stayed true to God and God restored to Job everything that he lost many times over.

I know that I must stay the course. I know that through all of this I must continue to praise God. I know that God will somehow in His infinite grace not only provide for us but see us through this. God is a good God. I know that God loves both my family and me and that I can trust in Him.

I know that God not only has a plan for my life but that He also has a job waiting out there for me somewhere. I just have to keep praying and wait just a little bit longer on God to provide for us. This is a test. This is only a test. We will shortly return to our normal life in a moment.

Be Blessed!


Sunday, August 20, 2006

I'm Stuck!!!

Have you ever been right on the edge, so close that you can see your goal but can’t quite touch it?  That’s where I’m at right now.  In fact right now I seem to be stuck there.  I have goals, I have dreams, and I have visions.  

I can see my goals.  In fact I’m so close to some of my goals that I can almost touch some of my goals.  I keep having dreams and I believe that the Lord is giving me a vision for my future and for ministry goals for me.  Some of these visions are so close that I can see them happening, but not quite yet.

This is a very frustrating place to be to say the least!  I want so bad to bust out, to bust free, but I just can’t quite seem to wiggle free.  I was talking with my Pastor last night and I told him that if I could just get three good weeks of paychecks in a row the chains would be off and I would be free to run.

To make matters worse my wife and I have been doing the best job we’ve ever done of tithing.  This is the one and only area where the Lord tells us to test him.  I see me standing in front of this dam that is about to full to the point of running over.  Behind this dam is lake of financial blessings.  I’m standing in the middle of the river that runs from this dam and I’m saying “OK God, open up the floodgates!  I’m ready!”  I keep standing there and I keep repeating “OK God, I’m ready!”

I’m not sure why God has me here where I’m at.  I know that a great deal of what’s happening to me now is a result of decisions that I’ve made.  I know that along the way over the last year or so that I’ve been going through dealing with my disorders and getting them under control I’ve made some bad mistakes with both work and with our finances.  I also know that it’s time to move on and move forward.  

Everything that I was hit with is now under control and I’ve got my life back.  Saying that I know that I’m ready to move on to what ever job the Lord has in store for me.  Even bigger I am not only ready but I anxious to tackle whatever ministry assignment the Lord has for me.  I anxious to find out what job the Lord has in store for me but I’m way more excited to see what the Lord has in store for me ministry wise.

One thing that I decided to do right now while I’m stuck here where I’m at is to keep witnessing for Jesus.  Whether its result’s of my actions, attacks of the enemy or whatever I’m still going to go out and witness for Jesus.  Even though I feel stuck right now I certainly feel free when I’m witnessing for Jesus.

A couple of weeks ago I took my wife out and we passed out Gospel tracts down at the ballpark.  The night before last we walked around Wal-Mart planting tracts.  I picked up this kicking little tract that when folded up looks like a $20 bill but when you open it up it’s only about 2/3 the width of a real $20 bill and it say on the back “Disappointed?  You won’t be with Jesus!”  Then it goes on to tell about the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

I have had a blast with this tract.  I walk around and no ones looking I drop it on the floor or leave it on a display or some other place where people are sure to see it.  It’s amazing how fast someone will grab it thinking it’s real and just stick it in their pocket.  Others will grab it and open it up and with a shocked look on their face they will just stand there and read it trying to figure out what they’ve got their hands on.  Pick some of these up at your local Christian book store, they’re a hoot!

Anyway, I feel that this week I will break out!  I really feel in my heart that the Lord is going to release me to run this week.  Starting Monday I’m moving forward full speed and I’m not only getting me going again but I’m also moving forward and getting our family moving forward financially again.  Stay tuned here to see what happens next.

One last thing.  This past week I received what I feel is a vision from God.  I’m not free to say yet what it is, at least not publicly, but it was a huge vision.  This was the biggest vision that I’ve ever had.  I’m praying and seeking God to see if this vision was from Him.  I plan on sharing this vision this week with a couple of my spiritual mentors to see what they think.  Please keep me in your prayers over this to discern whether or not this vision was from God.

Have A Great Week!

Be Blessed!!!


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Summer's Winding Down

Wow, this summer sure has flown by!  I can’t believe that school started today for the kids!  Add to it that my summer starts sometime around the first of April when baseball starts and for me it officially ended this weekend when the National Baseball Congress held its final, championship game.  In other words, as an umpire, my summer this year coincided with baseball.  I was one of the boys of summer!

One highlight that my wife and I had a couple of weeks ago was that we were blessed with about 150 Gospel tracts and one night of the NBC tournament we went down to the game and passed the tracts out to people between the games as they were both coming and going.  We walked around the parking lot talking with people and putting a Gospel tract in their hand.  My wife was pretty nervous about going down and doing this but once we got going she was amazed at how easy it really was to pas out Gospel tracts.

I’ll say this, my wife is definitely the outgoing person that I am, in fact my wife is scared silly to go out and talk to strangers.  If my wife can go out with me and pass out Gospel tracts it pretty safe to say that most any person can do it.  I hope my wife overcoming her fear can be an inspiration to others.  If someone is afraid to walk up to a total stranger and hand them a Gospel tract and talk with them about Jesus that’s fine.  But the question is what can you do?  

I encourage people to go buy an interesting pack of Gospel tracts and just leave them wherever you go.  Leaving a wait person a tip?  Leave that tip in a Gospel tract.  Leave them on pay phones, wherever!  Just start leaving a Gospel tract.  It’s easy!  The point is that a person needs to hear the Gospel.  I’ve heard that it takes a person being presented the Gospel somewhere around nine times before they give their heart to the Lord.  If someone gets a tract that one of those nine times being counted for.  Is your tract #1?  #3?  #7?  Or is it #9?  We don’t know what number we will be but one thing we do know is that we will be the number that the Lord chooses.

Work lately has been pretty much non-existent due to the weather.  Working for a grass farm has kept me at the mercy of the weather and here in Kansas that’s not always good!  I decided I needed to find a new job and today I received a call from one of the top trucking companies in the company informing me that they had a position open for me running regional out of Wichita here.  This job will have me home almost every day with very few overnights and I’ll also have weekends off.  Add to this it pays almost double what my current job pays!  Once again it pays to tithe so the lord can bless you!

One thing that this new job will offer me is the opportunity to witness to other truck drivers and others that cross my path while I’m out on the road.  One thing that the Lord has been putting on my heart is getting out and sharing the Gospel.  The fire and the passion that the Lord has put on my heart to do this is a very consuming fire.  I am also finding that this fire and passion is not just being poured out on me but many others too.

I know that we are in the last days and God’s Word tells us that this is exactly what the Lord will do in these final days.  Joel prophesized in Joel 2:29 and it was repeated in Acts 2:18.  In those days I will pour out my Spirit upon all my servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy.  Seeing how the Lord is pouring out his Spirit that this is just another confirmation to me that we are indeed in the last days.

I’ll try to post here on a regular basis on how things are going with this new job and about the opportunities that the Lord is bringing my way to share the Good news of the Gospel.

Be Blessed!!!


Friday, August 04, 2006

I'm Scared!!!

Just a quick note…

Let me encourage you to check out John Hagee Ministries John Hagee is one of the world’s foremost experts on what’s happening in the Middle East and particularly Israel. Any Christian that knows anything about Bible prophecy will tell you that we are living in the final days.

I know that personally God is putting a burning desire in my heart to reach the lost. This is intensified just that much more by knowing that I don’t have much time to reach the lost. Personally I am scared that the Trumpet could sound at any moment now and we Christians would be caught up with Jesus in the clouds.

Why am I scared? It’s not that I am not going to Heaven as I know that I am, it’s that I know that there will be those left behind that I failed to share Jesus with. I am scared for those that don’t believe and don’t share my love of Jesus. I care deeply for all of my family, friends, associates, & others and I know that some of each won’t be caught up with me!

Please, I beg you, if there is someone you love or care about that you’re not sure that they are saved, please share the good news of Jesus with them! THERE’S NOT MUCH TIME LEFT!

Be Blessed!!!