I wrote this blog in the hospital a couple of months ago while my daughter was in for surgery. In a way I wish that I would have got it posted sooner but for some reason I believe that now is the time that the Lord wanted me to post it.
One of the toughest things that a parent has to do is sit and wait while their child is in surgery. I was so proud of my daughter today. She didn’t cry a drop. I did find out however that during the past couple of days she did however run off to her room and cry a couple of times. What really moved me however was when I found out that she cried in her room because she didn’t want her Daddy see her cry. Apparently she didn’t want to hurt her Daddy’s heart.
One thing that the Lord has showed me through all of this is the “Father’s Heart.” In realizing how much I love my child and how much my heart aches for my child as she goes through this pain made me realize a little bit more just how much my Father loves me. I’ve also come to understand a little bit better how my Father’s heart breaks when I am hurting. I realize that my Father’s love is even deeper then I had realized before and I really don’t have an understanding of just how deep His love is for me.
Looking into my daughter’s eyes in pre-op as the sedation meds were taking effect really pushed my heart to its breaking point. All I could do was stand there stroking her head and tell her that I love her. She tried to keep a light sense of humor as the nurses were working over her and the doctors were asking questions but it was pretty easy to tell that she was pretty nervous. The one thing that I tried to keep reminding myself of is the fact that while she may be suffering some pain now that this pain will only last a short time and that in the long run her pain will be gone.
To me that sounds like a lot how my Father deals with me. My past has been filled with a lot of pains and hurts. Many of those pains and hurts need to be dealt with so I can feel better and be made whole. My Father who is the Great Physician knows how to best deal with my hurts and my pains. When he says its time for surgery it’s time to get rid of some hurts and pain. I know that in the short run it’s going to hurt to deal with whatever it is that He wants to deal with but in the long run it will bring healing to me and make me whole.
Just as I want the best for my children and as I want my children to be happy and healthy I know that my Father wants the same for me. Just as some pain must come into my children's lives so that they will be made whole and healthy the same must come into my life. But yet I am reminded that "with His stripes we are healed" (ASV)
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