Saturday, February 25, 2006

Here We Go Again (The Short Version)

I’m sorry that I’ve not been able to get my blogs published for a little while now.  We had some problems with our internet here at the house and we just got it back yesterday.  I couldn’t believe how much we missed our internet.  Not having internet for a couple of weeks sure was a pain as we either had to use Kinko’s or run to college (16 miles each way) and jump on there.

Anyway, I suspect that this will be a pretty short blog.  Not much has changed in my life since the last time that I blogged.  I’m still wrestling with my meds trying to get them balanced out.  I know my meds are good for me and help keep me stable but we’ve got to find a balancing point some where.

School is kind of going both good and not so good.  I’m still dealing with a pretty rough go of it in my Public Speaking (Speech) class.  The instructor that I’ve got for that class seems to have a hard time conveying what it is that she is trying to teach us.  Other then Speech I’m hanging in there on my E-Commerce class & doing great in my Computer Software class & my English Comp 1 class.

I’m going to cut this short & I’ll see if I can’t get back in the swing of things and get some good, meaningful blogs up in the next few days!

Be Blessed!


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