Saturday, December 03, 2005

I'm Already Starting To Squirm!

I really feel God asking me some questions tonight. Hang on because I think God is going deep tonight, really deep. Why do I think God is going deep? I think it’s because I’m already starting to squirm.

Here are the questions I feel God is asking me. Do I believe in Heaven? Do I believe in Hell? Do I believe Satan is alive and well? Do I believe in the redemptive powers of Jesus and His Holy Spirit? Then why am I not out witnessing, testifying, and fighting to bring people to Jesus?

Now do you understand why I’m squirming? These are questions that are for the most part easy to answer except for the last question. As far as the first four questions go I can give a simple “Yes.” The last question is another matter all unto itself.

I do believe in Heaven. I believe that Jesus sits at the right hand of God our Father in Heaven. I believe Heaven is the place that Jesus talked about when Jesus said in John 14:2 & 3: “There are many rooms in my Father's home, and I am going to prepare a place for you. If this were not so, I would tell you plainly. When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”

I also believe in Hell or should I say that yes, there really is a Hell. I believe that Hell is a much more horrible place then the human mind can fathom. I believe that Hell is prepared for Satan and his demons & dark angels. I also believe Hell is where one will end up if they die and did not repent from their sins and claim Jesus as their Lord & Savior.

I believe that only Jesus can save us from Hell. I believe that unless one accepts Jesus as their Lord & Savior, that person will not enter Heaven. I believe that Jesus, through his Holy Spirit, brings healing to us, including physical, spiritual, and mental healing.

Now we come to the last, really big question. Why am I not out witnessing, testifying, and fighting to bring people to Jesus? I can answer this one pretty easy and honestly. I’m scared. What am I scared of? Simple, I’m scared of rejection. I’ve been rejected so much in my life I am really scared of being rejected.

If I go to share Jesus with someone and that person rejects the testimony that I am sharing, is that person really rejecting me? I would probably feel like they are but in all reality they are not rejecting me. If a person rejects the testimony that you are giving about Jesus then that person is rejecting Jesus himself.

That’s a tough one to get past. I’m fighting hard to get past the rejection thing. In fact the method I use to share Jesus puts everything on the person I’m sharing with and God’s Word. I take me out of it when I share. I mess things up a whole lot less when indeed I do take me out of it!

OK, I’m setting a goal. My goal is to share Jesus with at least one person this next week. I’m marking my calendar “Tasks: Share Jesus with at least one person before midnight 12/10/2005.” I’ve got to start somewhere. With the power and grace of Jesus, I’ll start this week.

Be Blessed!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just remember - sharing is caring!!

And you're already sharing Jesus through your blog - so this is just another step!!