Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Government Speed!

Sheesh!  These past couple of weeks sure have seemed to be a big struggle.  I’m not sure why but I feel like instead of being in my normal Warp 3 speed that I normally cruise in that I’ve been stuck in a 20 mph perpetual school zone!  Some days I feel like I’m even stuck in “Government Speed!”

If you want to know just how slow Government Speed really is, try this for example.  I was told again today that our state unemployment agency has until November 17th to make a decision on my application for unemployment benefits.  By law they told me they have 30 days to make a decision whether a person will get unemployment benefits.  That’s great other then the fact that I just filed my weekly benefits report for the FIFTH week today!

Let’s see, 7 days times 5 weeks equals 35 days.  Now add to that I was told that they have until the 17th to make a decision, right?  The 17th is 9 days from today.  So we add 9 days to the 35 days since I filed and you get 44 days, right?  Now you know what Government Speed is, 44 days to do 30 days work!

I do not feel all bad about this though.  Our esteemed Governor that moved here to Kansas a while back from BOSTON has been telling us that she is making everything better!  That’s good to know as I would hate to think what it would be like without her help from the East Coast!  It’s been many, many years since I’ve filed for unemployment benefits, but if I remember right it only took about 3 weeks/21 days to get my benefits to me in my 30 day deadline!

Now that you mention it, maybe I’m not moving all that slowly.  Maybe all I need to do is change which speedometer I’m using.  Let’s all run out and get us a “Kansas Government Speedometer.”  If we do we’ll all feel better because at least we’ll feel like we’re moving a whole lot faster!

Be Blessed!


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