Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Constipation or Off Of My Rocker!

Constipation. Yup, Constipation. I really feel like God is leading me to write about constipation tonight. Don’t worry, I’m not getting gross on you. I’m not talking about anything that has to do with the human body here or any other body for that matter. I’m talking about being constipated in a spiritual sense.

I would say that it’s a safe bet that most if not all of you probably are convinced that I’m off of my spiritual rocker here if not totally, completely off of my rocker period! Don’t worry, I’m not. I’ve actually got quite a valid point to make here! Seriously, I really do!

Spiritual Constipation is defined in Scott’s dictionary as “One who continually takes in God and never gives God out.” Let me expound on that just a little bit. If you sit in that nice, comfy seat every Sunday, sing praises, give God glory, take in the wonderful message that your pastor has for you and then go home you’re filled up with God. Now comes the rest of the week. You lead your normal, busy, hectic life and your week flies by without you sharing Jesus.

Here we are back to Sunday again and back in church. Comfy seat, praise, & another great message and you’re filled even more with Jesus. But wait, you didn’t share Jesus that past week did you? You just keep repeating this same scenario over and over again. You take in a ton of Jesus but never let him out or give what you’ve taken in of Jesus to others. That is Spiritual Constipation.

I’m sitting here reading this as I write it. I have to take inventory and see if I’m Spiritually Constipated. I have to admit, over the past year or so, I have been. That is why I’m working harder at getting Jesus out. I don’t want to be Spiritually Constipated.

I met with my pastor, Pastor Rob, today and was told I’m going to start mentoring some other guys. My first reaction was the normal “Huh?” I heard God telling me in my heart not to be Spiritually Constipated and do his work. Pastor Rob wants me to work with other guys that have mental disorders. Pastor Rob sees the recovery I’ve made through Jesus and he wants me to pour that into other guys.

Jesus, right before he was taken into Heaven after his resurrection left us with one simple commandment. In Mark 16:15 Jesus said "Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere.” What are we to preach? Jesus answered that too in Luke 24:47 “With my authority, take this message of repentance to all the nations, beginning in Jerusalem: `There is forgiveness of sins for all who turn to me.” There you have it… You’re answer to Spiritual Constipation!



Sunday, November 27, 2005

I Prayed A Simple Prayer...

Several months back I prayed a simple prayer.  I prayed a prayer similar to Psalms 139:23 & 24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my thoughts.  Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.”  I prayed this when I was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder.  I figured if God was going to bring healing in my life with my mental disorders, I figured I might as well open up and get rid of all of my garbage.

When I prayed this prayer I was hurting bad enough that I really didn’t care what God did as long as God did something to get rid of the pain.  This has been a prayer that in the past I’ve always heard that yes, we as Christians need to pray this prayer as it’s just the thing that we ought to do.  So being the somewhat good, not so little Christian that I’ve been for the past seventeen years or so I prayed that prayer over and over again.  The only problem was that I did not ever really mean what I prayed until I hit bottom back in April & May.

It’s amazing what God can do when you give God permission to do something in your life AND you actually mean it.  Since May, or should I say since I prayed that prayer and meant it God has brought a bunch of healing into my life.  It’s amazing the people that God has brought into my life, people that God sent to heal up a bunch of old wounds. Some of these wounds were from the stupid things I did when I was out of control and wounds caused by others doing things to purposefully harm me.

Another nice thing that’s happened since praying that prayer is that God has worked to restore several old relationships.  Many of these relationships faded away from neglect on my part while others I destroyed through my acts of carelessness.  Not all of the relationships that I would like to be restored have been restored but I know that God is moving in the peoples lives.  

The thing now is though that since I can come with a clean and pure heart, I can approach these people that I’ve hurt in the love of God.  I can go to these people some day and honestly apologize and offer to them the love that God has placed in me.  I have one person in particular that I am anxious to apologize to.  

When we were younger, still in junior & senior high, I spent a bunch of time together with this person I need to apologize to.  I was careless, insensitive, and just downright angry and hurtful to this person when I had no right to be.  When this person was searching, had been hurt, and needed friendship I failed this person.  I look forward to the day when I get to look this person in the eye and ask for forgiveness.

For me, having a mental disorder such as Bipolar disorder that went undiagnosed for as many years as mine did destroyed many of the best years of my life.  In addition, being out of control at times like I was for so many years also destroyed a great many friendships.  God is hard at work in my life now doing two things.  God is cleansing & healing me and then God is now starting to restore what the enemy stole when I was helpless and out of control.

I don’t see having a mental disorder now as having a destructive force in my life.  I see just the opposite.  Now that I’ve both been diagnosed and accepted my diagnoses God is now free to work through me to show his wondrous, mighty healing and redemptive powers.  God now is taking a very badly broken vessel, repairing and healing it so his light can shine through it.

Will you pray that prayer AND mean it?  Will you let your life be a vessel that God’s light shines through?  If I can do it you can too!

Be Blessed!


Thursday, November 24, 2005

I give you thanks, O LORD

I wrote the other day that I’ve been battling depression for the last few days. When a person is Bipolar they have both times of up, or mania, and days of down times, or depression. Unfortunately, I’m still battling the latter. When I have this depression to battle I am so thankful that I don’t have to battle this depression on my own.

All I have to do is look back to the Old Testament to the Book of Psalms. Much of Psalms was written by King David who was at one time the king of Israel. In the latter part of his life he was the most powerful man on earth. But things were not always this way for David.

We read and find that after David slue the giant Goliath while he was still a lad he was all of a sudden thrust into the role of a great warrior. In fact David became such a great warrior that the people of Israel sang praises unto David. Saul who was the king of Israel when David was this great warrior found no humor in this. In fact Saul became so jealous of David that he sent his whole army after him, out into the desert to kill him. How’s that for thanks for saving a whole nation from invading armies!

Much of Psalms was written by David while he was running and hiding in the desert. David too had a problem with what had happened to him. At times David was depressed that he could hardly even function. It was at these times that David cried out to God. David cried to God to deliver him from his enemies. David cried to God to give him strength to carry on.

There was one thing that David never did though. David never did give up on God. David knew that God was there for him even when David was at his lowest, when David had sunk deep in to depression. As you read through the book of Psalms you will see that even as David cried out, David always ended his cries and pleas with a thanks to God for David always knew that God was there for him.

Knowing that God is always there for you and that God will never, ever leave you is a strong stimulant. I know that as I have God living in me through his Son Jesus I know that God will never leave me or abandon me either. Even on days like this when I have to really fight to keep going due to my depression I can always find strength in my Lord & Savior Jesus.

Psalms 138 really jumped out at me today. I was planning on writing today about Thanksgiving and why we should give thanks. I did a word search on the phrase “Give Thanks.” I came up with a bunch of matches but Psalms 138 really jumped out at me. Psalms 138 reminds me I give thanks every day for Jesus living in me. Psalms 138 really is what I feel and believe.

Psalm 138

A psalm of David.

1 I give you thanks, O LORD, with all my heart; I will sing your praises before the gods.

2 I bow before your holy Temple as I worship. I will give thanks to your name for your unfailing love and faithfulness, because your promises are backed by all the honor of your name.

3 When I pray, you answer me; you encourage me by giving me the strength I need.

4 Every king in all the earth will give you thanks, O LORD, for all of them will hear your words.

5 Yes, they will sing about the LORD's ways, for the glory of the LORD is very great.

6 Though the LORD is great, he cares for the humble, but he keeps his distance from the proud.

7 Though I am surrounded by troubles, you will preserve me against the anger of my enemies. You will clench your fist against my angry enemies! Your power will save me.

8 The LORD will work out his plans for my life-- for your faithful love, O LORD, endures forever. Don't abandon me, for you made me.

I hope you’re having a great “Turkey Day!”

Be Blessed!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

He's Here!!!

Man I was battling depression today.  In fact the last few days have been a struggle just to get out of bed.  I was told there was going to be days like this.  I just praise God that He gives me the strength to keep going.  The strength that God gave me today to turn things around for me came in an awesome way.

We got a call just after lunch today from our son-in-law that our oldest daughter was getting close to delivering.  They were already in the labor & delivery and the birth was at hand.  About two hours later we got the call that we’re GRANDPARENTS!  Grandparents for the very first time!

Our daughter this afternoon delivered a beautiful, little baby boy!  Our first grandson came into this world today weighing 6 pounds & 8 ounces and was just 19 inches long.  A cute, little bundle of joy and just as healthy as he could be!  Wow, what a blessing!

My wife looked at me wondering is that a tear in my eye that she sees?  That’s OK, I looked at my wife and wondered the same thing!  Those two phone calls took what was shaping up to be another not so good day and turned this day into an incredibly, happy, blessed day!  We’re so excited for our daughter & son-in-law!

Looking back, it doesn’t seem all that long ago that my wife and I were struggling to get our family started.  Now we get to watch as our oldest daughter and her husband get to share the blessings of starting their own family.  If they are half as blessed as we are with our children, all six of them, then they too will be truly blessed.  I however feel that they will be even more blessed then we are.

As if you couldn’t tell, I am truly excited!  Such a day as this only comes once in your life.  You only get to have your first grandkid once.  This reminds me how exceptional these times are in our life.  I am also reminded now to slow down a little bit and enjoy, dwell in, the blessings that God truly does send you!

OK, I can’t hold this back any more.  I’ve got to shout!  

IT’S A BOY!!!  


Hope you’re having a great day too!

Be Blessed!

Big Scott

Monday, November 21, 2005

Bi-Monthly Checkup

Today I went in for my bi-monthly appointment & checkup with my psychiatrist.  I have these appointments so we can make changes on my meds and address any other concerns that may have arisen.  I actually look forward to these appointments as I’ve been blessed with a doctor that really does care about me, takes time to listen to my concerns, and spends time with me making sure that I understand her recommendations and that I’m comfortable with them.  My psychiatrist really is a part of my Care Team.

I received some good news while I was in my appointment with my psychiatrist.  My psychiatrist informed me that she was very pleased with the progress that I’ve been making and that I am finally starting to get some stabilization in my treatment now.  That was some very good news to me as I’m getting close to starting college again.  My psychiatrist told me that now that I’m getting stabilized that one of the good things that comes out of that is that doors are now being opened to trying so new meds that are not quite as sedative as some of the meds that I’m taking now.

I shared with my psychiatrist that I’ve been having a hard time waking up and that in the mornings my eyes are hurting pretty bad.  My meds were hanged today and I was taken off of Lexapro which is a stand alone anti-depressant.  I am excited about getting off of Lexapro as I believe that Lexapro was causing some of my mania.  In addition, my Seroquel was reduced by one-third so that I’m only taking 200 mg at bed time.  This should help out a whole bunch in the mornings and I should have a whole lot less “meds hangover.”

I’ll see if I can’t get back to writing some of the more insightful things that I’ve been writing lately.  I just had a pretty good day today and I wanted to write about it.  I should add that my psychiatrist is very optimistic about me returning to college in January.  She feels that now that I’m stabilized, especially with my ADHD, that I should do exceptionally better then I have with my studies in the past.

Be Blessed!


Saturday, November 19, 2005

I got a chuckle last night

I got a chuckle last night after I wrote yesterday’s installment of my blog.  Just a refresher, I wrote about depression and be depressed in correlation with my Bipolar disorder.  I really was feeling pretty down when I wrote that blog.  But what followed me writing that blog was pure God.

After I wrote that blog I sat down in my easy chair to watch the KU/Idaho State game.  I figured that as bad as I was feeling maybe watching the game might cheer me up.  I got cheered up, but it wasn’t necessarily the game that did it.  As I was sitting in my easy chair it seems that one by one, every member in our family just had to come by & put there lovings on dear ol’ dad!

I do have a family that loves me, but for some reason yesterday evening my family just had to put a bunch of extra lovings on me.  I know that was a God thing.  I know that God moved on their hearts, leading them to open up, and pour out His love on me through my family.  By the time that game was over I was a different man.

I really don’t remember any of the high lights of that game but I do remember the highlights of all of the love I got.  At one time I had my wife sitting on one arm of my chair, one of my daughters sitting on the other arm of my chair, and our two year old sitting between my legs.  Everyone was sitting there with me and loving on me.  How a guy could not be lifted up I do not know.  I know I was!

Oh yea, our big ol’ St. Bernard even came up and put her snout up under my arm and gave me her own little lovings too!

What an evening.  It’s amazing how God can move others to pick you up!

Be Blessed!


Friday, November 18, 2005


I know that most of my writings have a very upbeat feeling to them. For that I have to give God thanks. Unfortunately, when one has Bipolar disorder, no matter how good things go you are still going to have down times. That’s just the nature of Bipolar disorder. For about a week now I’ve been in one of those down swings or more appropriately known as a time of depression.

I thought that I would write about what it’s like to be battling depression like I’ve been having. First of all I really hate going into our bedroom. When I do finally head off to bed at night I do so with great reluctance. In fact, sometimes I almost hate going to bed. When I’m really fighting off depression I go to bed knowing that I’m going to have a fight not only going to sleep but also to getting out of bed the next morning.

On nights like last night and mornings like this morning about the only way I can get to sleep & then get out of bed again is cry out to Jesus. Last night after I had laid there in bed for about forty-five minutes I was getting so desperate to get to sleep that all I could do was cry out and say “Jesus, please do something, take this pain so I can get to sleep!” Likewise, this morning, I had such a lack of energy and motivation that after fighting back and forth with myself I finally said “Jesus, give me your strength, help me to get out of this bed!”

When I am battling depression like I am right now, make sure to heed the words of one of my former counselors, Alice, when she told me “During the day make sure you stay away from your bed.” Alice had that one right. Alice also told me “The worst thing you can do is lay down in the middle of the day.” On days like this if I go into our bedroom at a time other then when it’s time to go to bed I just feel the energy being zapped out of me and I just want to curl up in our bed and shut down. Sometimes it’s all I can do to follow Alice’s instruction.

When I get down like this I’m sure glad that I’ve got Jesus in my life! I truly feel that the only thing keeping me from going over the proverbially edge is Jesus. If it had not been for Jesus I don’t know if I would have even bothered to get out of bed today. At least I know where my strength comes from. Psalm 18:1&2 says:

I love you, LORD; you are my strength.
The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;

my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the strength of my salvation, and my stronghold.

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Comments From A News Stroy

I was watching the news today and a story ran about a mother in Colorado that threw alcohol & sex parties for her teenage son.  The mom apparently would host these parties for her son and his friends at her house, get the teenage boys drunk, and then have sex with them.  Sentencing was held yesterday for mother after she was convicted of sexual crimes.  

The judge asked the mother if she had anything to say.  The mother said that she has a mental illness and that is why she committed the crimes.  Her attorney argued that since the mother had Bipolar Disorder that she should receive leniency.  The judge was not swayed by what the mother had to say and sentenced the mother to 30 years in jail.

Having Bipolar Disorder myself I have very mixed emotions with this case.  From where I sit I can easily see how one with Bipolar Disorder could so easily let their mental illness get so far out of hand that one would get involved in illegal activity including illegal sex.  On a personal experience I know that my Bipolar Disorder was getting way out of hand when I finally received intervention.  I know that if it wasn’t for God causing my world to stop when it did I could have very easily been another criminal, statistical victim of Bipolar Disorder.

My heart goes out to this mother.  Do I believe that she should not be held accountable for what she did?  Absoloutely not.  I do however have some problems with the sentencing that the judge gave her.  I feel the judge overlooked her mental illness in sentencing the mother to the general prison population.  I would have rather seen the mother sentenced to a state mental hospital where she can get help and rehabilitation.  

Just because you have a mental illness such as Bipolar Disorder does not mean that you can commit a crime and expect to get away with what you’ve done or even receive leniency for it.  Even though there are many people such as myself who have a mental illness, each and every one of us still must follow the law.  If we do not, we can expect the long arm of the law to real us in.

Today there is more help available for those of us suffering from a mental illness then ever before.  Psychiatric medicine has made more advances in the last ten to fifteen years I personally feel then have been made in the past one hundred years.  Today having a mental illness does not mean you having a scarlet letter on you like it did twenty, fifteen, or even ten years ago.  It is now accepted that having a mental illness is many times not much different then having any other kind physical illness or disorder.  That is why I write this blog, to open up, to reach out, and to destroy the negativity that surrounds mental illness.

I am now starting to hear reports of others that have been encouraged to receive treatment for their mental disorders through these writings.  Knowing that I’m helping someone make their life better is the ultimate compliment for me.  It is for that reason that I give God praise for giving me the words to write here.

Click here for the entire story.

Be Blessed!


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Thanks Mrs. Murphy!!!

I took my English Placement Test at college today to see where and in which English course I need to be placed. There are four levels in which you can start. Basic English is for those that need the basics, College English is a refresher course, English Comp 1 is your standard starting class, & then Honors English is for the brainiacs. I haven’t taken any English now for 25+ years. The last English class I completed was in high school. Believe it or not I still scored smack dab right in the middle of English Comp 1. Heck, I would have been happy just to make College English!

I also took my reading test today. I expected to do well there, just not quite as well as I did there too. I scored a 97 out of a possible 100! The only reason I received a 97 was that I did the test to fast! The test had three different sections and I blew through one of the sections too fast. I didn’t miss any questions, I just didn’t take enough time on one section. The only thing I can figure is that I was docked three points as someone must have thought the only way one can do it that fast is to guess. I didn’t guess on the test but I guess they must have thought that I guessed on the test! I tested completely out of having to take any reading classes.

If anyone happens to see our English teacher from our Junior & Senior years in high school, Mrs. Evelyn Murphy, please give her a great big hug for me. As near as I can tell she must have done an incredible job pounding English into my head those two years. Like I said, it’s been 25+ years, so for me to still get that much right after all of these years tells me that Mrs. Murphy did a great job with me. Mrs. Murphy was one of those few teachers that had an incredible gift in reaching students that most other teachers had just wrote off. I see now that I was one of those students that she reached.

Now, about that math… Ouch! Need a little more work there!

Be Blessed!


Sunday, November 13, 2005

If You Were Accused Of...

I felt God asking me that age old question today after church “If you were accused in court of being a Christian would there be enough evidence to convict you?”  I think that this question came out of the discussion that my wife & I had last night.  We were discussing how my meds are helping me or not helping me.  We were also discussing what I was like before I went on meds earlier this year.

I know that before I went on meds earlier this year there were definitely some times that I probably would not have been convicted.  Before I went on meds I was trying to self medicate myself.  The biggest thing I was doing was terribly abusing over the counter (OTC) meds.  I was consuming in particular OTC diet pills at somewhere between 4 & 6 times the maximum recommended dosage.  Getting wired on speed meant that I was doing some really stupid stuff as my mind was racing so fast I basically didn’t care about consequences.  I was only living for the minute.

When a person is only living for the minute and not giving much thought to ones future, it would be pretty safe to say that God was not real big in my life at that time.  I would listen to my Christian radio stations trying to keep God in my life but yet I was cycling so hard between mania and depression that by the time I finally reached out for help I was living in what’s called a Mixed State.  I was totally manic plus I was hurting on the inside so bad that I really didn’t care about life anymore.  And yes, at that point, I would have found not guilty of being a Christian.

Since that day in early May when I hit the end of my rope I’ve been making a comeback.  To say that God has been working in my life would be an understatement.  God has really turned my life around in these eight short months.  Now God is working to restore what the enemy has stolen over the past twenty five years.  For once in my life I’m not living all of the time in a constant state of mania mixed with alternating crashes into depression.

God is working through my Care Team to bring a balance in my life.  That balance is coming through several distinct avenues.  The biggest area that God is bringing balance in my life is through my meds.  Yes I do believe that God does work through doctors and through medicine.  In addition God is also working to restore me through Talk Therapy or counseling if you will.  By receiving counseling I now have a system of checks and balances in my life that I use to monitor my progress and to make sure I’m moving in the right direction.  The culmination of everything God is doing in my life is in the fact that every week I feel I have just a little bit more of God’s filling in me of His Holy Spirit.

Our church is launching into a huge, multi year, multi country outreach to win to Jesus those that do not know Jesus as their personal savior.  I am getting very excited about this outreach!  I know that God is calling me to give of myself for this outreach.  I’m even getting excited about the fact that once again I’m going to get to witness to those that don’t know Jesus!

So we’re back to where I started this column.  Is there now enough evidence to convict me of being a Christian?  My prayer is that yes, now there is enough.  My prayer is also that every day there will be just a little bit more evidence to convict me.  I hope and pray that one of these days we wouldn’t even need a trial to find out.

How about you?  Where are you at?  How much evidence is there against or for you?  As of right now there is still the opportunity to build evidence!

Be Blessed!


Friday, November 11, 2005

Thanks For Standing In The Gap!

Today is Veteran’s Day. This means that it is time for my semi-annual hat-tip to those giving of themselves to give me this freedom to come to you and freely express my thoughts and for you to be able to express your thought back too. Twice a year I write about the American Soldier. Besides Veterans Day, I also write in depth on Memorial Day too.

Like I said, today is Veterans Day. Today is the day we stop and say thank you not only to all of those brave men and women serving in our Armed Forces to keep us free, but also to every man and woman that has ever served this great country we call the United States of America. We are so blessed to live in a country where we have the freedoms that we do. We even have the freedom not only to speak up and disagree with our government, but in fact we have the freedom to change our government when our government needs a change.

Stop and think for a minute what would happen in a huge part of the world if you stood up and said your government is wrong. Think about what would happen in that same huge part of the world if you stood up and said you believe in Jesus and all other gods are false gods. Think about what would happen once again in that same part of the world if you wanted to write on a daily basis and get that writing out freely speaking about what I just said. If you live somewhere else besides the United States of America there is huge chance that at the very least it will cost you your freedom and at the very worst, which is all to probable, it would cost you your life!

One thing that I say every time that I write this semi-annual column is that…







A little story that I like to tell goes like this: When I was a young lad about 14 or 15 years old my big brother was home on leave from the Army. I asked my Brother why he does what he does in putting his life on the line. My Brother responded simply “I do it to give you the freedom to race your cars or whatever else it is that you would want to do.” That was one of those simple statements that burns deep into your heart, one of those statements that will stay with you for the rest of your life.
To my Brother and every other Veteran out there I stand and salute you and on behave of a grateful country, I Thank You!

May God Bless each and every one of our fighting men and women that are out there in this hostile world of ours, standing in the gap, the gap between hate and freedom!

With this Freedom, tonight I say, Be Blessed!

Big Scott

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Captain's Log

What is a “blog”? defines a blog as “to author an online diary or chronology of thoughts.”  I guess it would be something you would see on Star Trek when the Captain says “Captain’s Log, Star date…”  If I may be allowed to take a spin on that then, I could say since I the head or the “Captain” of our home let me just say “Captain’s Log, Starship Chaos, Star date Lost in time somewhere in 2005.”  The way today has gone, I kind of feel lost in space somewhere!

We set a new record today.  Actually we set two new records today.  The first record was the amount of Happy Meal toys that ones kids can plug a toilet with.  The second record was the size of the Happy Meal toys that our kids were able to get stuck in the toilet.  I’m going to run this one by one of the mechanical engineering Profs at college.  I didn’t think there was any way possible to get a toy that big not only past the first bend in the toilet but in fact they made it all the way to the second bend, up by the tank in the toilet!

With that said, I get to purchase a new toilet tomorrow.  Unfortunately during the thirty minute wrestling match I had with the toilet in the front yard trying to get all of the toys out somehow either the toilet or I got into a bad hold, and, well, I kind of broke the toilet.  When the wrestling match started I didn’t see any neighbors in their yards but by the time I finished most of the neighbors were differently in their yards.  I guess they never saw a main event like that before!

Oh, BTW… I called and checked today about my unemployment insurance and yep, it’s still running @ Government Speed.  UGH!!!

Hope this at least finds things going great for you!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

The Fred Challenge!

I try to read one chapter of Proverbs every day. Proverbs has 31 chapters which works out nice since all but one month has either 30 or 31 days. A good friend and Christian brother of mine, Fred of Fred’s Smoked Meats, challenged me some time back to read a one chapter of Proverbs every day for a year. This is what I call the “Fred Challenge.”

Today, being the 9th I’m reading Proverbs 9 & verses 1-12 really jump out at me.
1 Wisdom has built her spacious house with seven pillars. 2She has prepared a great banquet, mixed the wines, and set the table. 3She has sent her servants to invite everyone to come. She calls out from the heights overlooking the city. 4"Come home with me," she urges the simple. To those without good judgment, she says, 5"Come, eat my food, and drink the wine I have mixed. 6Leave your foolish ways behind, and begin to live; learn how to be wise."
7Anyone who rebukes a mocker will get a smart retort. Anyone who rebukes the wicked will get hurt. 8So don't bother rebuking mockers; they will only hate you. But the wise, when rebuked, will love you all the more. 9Teach the wise and they will be wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn more.
10Fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom. Knowledge of the Holy One results in understanding.
11Wisdom will multiply your days and add years to your life. 12If you become wise, you will be the one to benefit. If you scorn wisdom, you will be the one to suffer.”

These twelve verses speak volumes to me in a two-fold way. First I know that as I read the Book of Proverbs every day I will gain wisdom that I can use in my everyday life. Proverbs and Psalms are known as the “Wisdom Books” in the Bible. After six months of this I can really tell a big difference in how I look at things and people in my everyday life. The second point that is made to me here is that I also get a reaffirmation that yes, I do indeed need to keep pursuing my college education.

I challenge you to take the Fred Challenge. You might just be amazed how much wisdom God will pour into you through the Fred Challenge!

Be Blessed!!!


Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Government Speed!

Sheesh!  These past couple of weeks sure have seemed to be a big struggle.  I’m not sure why but I feel like instead of being in my normal Warp 3 speed that I normally cruise in that I’ve been stuck in a 20 mph perpetual school zone!  Some days I feel like I’m even stuck in “Government Speed!”

If you want to know just how slow Government Speed really is, try this for example.  I was told again today that our state unemployment agency has until November 17th to make a decision on my application for unemployment benefits.  By law they told me they have 30 days to make a decision whether a person will get unemployment benefits.  That’s great other then the fact that I just filed my weekly benefits report for the FIFTH week today!

Let’s see, 7 days times 5 weeks equals 35 days.  Now add to that I was told that they have until the 17th to make a decision, right?  The 17th is 9 days from today.  So we add 9 days to the 35 days since I filed and you get 44 days, right?  Now you know what Government Speed is, 44 days to do 30 days work!

I do not feel all bad about this though.  Our esteemed Governor that moved here to Kansas a while back from BOSTON has been telling us that she is making everything better!  That’s good to know as I would hate to think what it would be like without her help from the East Coast!  It’s been many, many years since I’ve filed for unemployment benefits, but if I remember right it only took about 3 weeks/21 days to get my benefits to me in my 30 day deadline!

Now that you mention it, maybe I’m not moving all that slowly.  Maybe all I need to do is change which speedometer I’m using.  Let’s all run out and get us a “Kansas Government Speedometer.”  If we do we’ll all feel better because at least we’ll feel like we’re moving a whole lot faster!

Be Blessed!


Monday, November 07, 2005

Something Good Just Happened!!!

I guess one way to tell that your blog is doing some good is when something good happens due to your blog. Last night I had an ol’ friend call me last night that I haven’t seen in person in a number years. We’ve stayed in touch via emails & phone calls but for various reasons we haven’t seen each other in probably ten years or so. My friend called me up and said that his wife had just asked for a legal separation.

We talked for a bit and my friend had told me that he was inspired by what I was writing in my blog. He was particularly moved by what I wrote about how God was working to bring me health and healing and that I was allowing God to use whatever means God chose to use. My friend had been following my blog very closely because he was dealing with some of the same issues I’ve had to deal with.

Here’s a quick recap here for those that haven’t been following closely or have just joined us. I was finally diagnosed with Bipolar disorder, Depression, & Adult ADHD. The path that I’m following which I feel is absolutely led by God is medication therapy, talk therapy with a psychologist on a bi-weekly basis, and marriage counseling with our pastor on a weekly basis. As far as meds go I’m taking Straterra for my ADHD, Lexapro for my depression and Seroquel & Geodon for my Bipolar disorder.

My friend told me that he and his wife were fighting quite a bit, nothing physical, but it definitely was verbally offensive and most certainly not of God. My friend also told me he was taking some anti-depressant meds too. I asked him if they had been to counseling. He told me that they had gone for a while to one guy and then some time back he moved away from the area and they really hadn’t settled in with another counselor yet. I also inquired as to his church attendance and found out the wife was going to church and he was doing Sunday morning church TV.

I thank God so very much that I have the Holy Spirit living inside of me because I didn’t have a clue what to say last night when he called. I just did on of those three second, silent, emergency prayers when he started talking. I just said “OK God, I’m blank! Help me out here!” You know what? God did just that!

I fumbled along and told my friend as soon as he got off of the phone to go to his wife and her in a humble way if she would let him pray over her and pray for the both of them. I also told him they need to get in with a good Christian counselor since they’re both Christians. I then gave him the “Fred Challenge” which is reading the chapter of Proverbs that corresponds to that day.

Guess what? It worked! God did it! I spoke with my friend this evening and he told me that yes they did pray together last night and they had spoken some again today already. The smoke & flames were gone today! My friend and his wife had gotten deeper last night and today then they had in years!

The parting words that I gave my friend this evening was to just be humble, keep praying, get into a good church and be there more then just on Sunday mornings, find a good Christian marriage counselor, and since they were both open to it, talk with either their family doctor or preferably a good psychiatrist.

Funny how things can change for the better when God is leading! I’m reminded of 2 Chronicles 7:14 Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.” Who’s called by God? You are, my friend and his family are, and I am. Anyone who hears the word of God is called.

God is a loving God! God wants nothing more then to heal broken hearts, mend broken relationships, and restore what the enemy has stolen. Praise God that God was able to work through my blog! I don’t take the credit for it as I was the one that lost for words. It was entirely a “God Thing!”

Thank You Jesus!!!

Be Blessed!!!

Friday, November 04, 2005

My Kewl Sis!

I’ve got such a kewl Sister!  OK, a whole bunch of people just went “Huh?  A sister?  Since when have you had a sister?”  I guess I had better back up a little ways here!

Let’s go back to 1970’s Ingalls, Kansas.  We’re going back to 1975 to be exact.  My Father, Mother, & I moved in to Ingalls from the country right before my Father passed away in early 1974.  In 1975 if I remember right our class was blessed with a perky little girl named Robin.  Robin and I had a lot of stuff in common.  For starters, we were both adopted.  Another thing that Robin and I had in common was that we were both made fun of quite a bit.

Robin lived just a half block down the street from me which meant that Robin lived about half way to school on the route that I walked.  Many, many times I would hang out at Robins doing homework and stuff until our parents got home, which just happened to be at the same time since Robins dad was the town banker and my Mom just happened to work for him.  Kind of handy here, don’t you think?

Anyway, Robin got me through a bunch of my classes, especially math & algebra.  I didn’t know it at the time but looking back I know even back then I was ADHD & being ADHD my study time shall we say, stunk!  I hated to study outside of class!  I couldn’t keep my attention in a book for more then five minutes if my life would have depended on it!  Here is where Robin came to the rescue!

Many times Robin would help me with my studies and keep me applied to studying even when I was in another world.  I guess at times I was a pretty good project for Robin!  If it wasn’t for Robin I would probably be stuck in Mr. Batmans 7th Grade Algebra!  Thank you Robin for saving me there!

Robin was the only girl in her family.  Robin had two brothers.  The older one was the jerk that always picked on Robin and I while the younger one was the little kid.  With that in mind, it’s easy to see why Robin and I developed such a close relationship, basically adopting each other as brother and sister.  Hey, we were both adopted once already, why not do it again!
After graduation Robin and I went our separate ways.  Both of us wound up in the world doing garbage that definitely was not pleasing to God.  We both got ourselves into a ton of trouble.  For almost twenty years we did not even have contact with each other.

Now here’s the amazing part.  After that twenty year period, Robin and I gradually started making contact with each other again.  Early this year when my life basically collapsed I felt God telling me to call Robin.  Feeling hopeless and with no where to turn and basically feeling like I didn’t care anyway I called Robin.  What God did in that phone call was an absolute classic, move of the Holy Spirit!

God instantly mended our brother/sister relationship and God used His Holy Spirit to move through Robin to minister to me in a way to this day still sends tingles running down my back when I think of it.  God spoke to Robin and gave her words in the Holy Spirit that was exactly what was needed to be said to save my life!

Since that first phone call this year, Robin and I have spent a great deal of time talking with each other.  In fact, God has allowed me to even minister back to Robin on a few occasions!  Now our spouses are involved too!  It hilarious when my wife & Robin get on the phone as they start cackling like a couple of supercharged hens!  Anyone taking bets on me being in trouble now?

Anyway, yesterday I was having trouble with my meds & I called Robin.  I knew what I needed to do but I just wasn’t doing it.  Robin crawled up inside of my ear via that phone and chewed me out and got me going in the right direction again.  Just for the record, I did do as Robin said to do and I called my nurse & filled her in on what was going on.  The nurse got a hold of the doctor like Robin said she would.  It didn’t take long and phone was ringing and the doctor was making some serious changes on my meds, once again, just like Robin said she would!  It sure is nice having a wise sister!

After Robin got done chewing me out last night we also had some fun on the phone.  We decided that next August we’re going to have a family reunion right here in Wichita!  Kelly & Mardell are planning on coming down from Colorado Springs.  We’ll get Barry to fly in from Chicago.  And we’re hoping everyone else will stop on by and see us too!  I can hardly wait!  It brings tears to my eyes just thinking of all of the restoration God has in the works for our little family!

I could keep rambling on about Robin and the rest of our little family known as the Ingalls High Class of 81’ but I better stop here.  Just to interject a side note here.  When there are only 17 of you graduating together in a class, it’s no longer just a class, it’s a family!

Be Blessed!


Thursday, November 03, 2005


disclaimer: If you got this post in your e-mail, skip on down to the next one. I put them up @ the same time. Big Scott

I’ve been meaning to write this the last few times and somehow I’ve managed to get sidetracked and I blew it off.

If you’re feeling down, if you have the blues and you just can’t shake them, if things are in a perpetual state of going wrong, if you’re have repeated bad thoughts about yourself or others it may just be more than the simple blues.

There is help available! DON’T WAIT! Talk with your family physician, your pastor, or a licensed counselor. They can give you direction where you need to go to get further help.

DON’T WAIT!!! Don’t make the same mistake I did & wait. I cry when I think how my life could have been different if I would have got help 15, 10, 5, even 1 or 2 years ago!

Most cities/counties have help available at reduced costs if you need it! I bought the garbage the enemy fed me for 25 years about psychiatric help before I reached out. That wait almost cost me my life!

If you’re not struggling, but you know someone who is, reach out to them. DON’T WAIT!!! There are two things I seek to do for others- 1: Show them Jesus! 2: Reach out to the hurting and lead them to the proverbially well where they too can receive help!

I have a complete list of resources where a person can go to get help thanks to the Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA) & The National Mental Health Association. Please feel free to email me & I’ll be more then happy to make all of my resources available to anyone in need!

The Holidays are here. Statistically this is the worst time of the year for suicides. This is mainly due to the feeling of loneliness & worthlessness some people get at this time of year.

This year please join with me in giving someone one of the greatest gifts one could ever get here on this Earth, their life back!

Be Blessed!!!

Big Scott

Roller Caoster Stuck @ Bottom Again!

Roller Coasters Stink!!! I’m not talking about the ones you ride, I like them. I’m talking about the roller coasters that one can be on with your meds. Right now I’m on a roller coaster while my psychiatrist is trying to get my meds straightened out. Some days are good while other days like the one I had today stink!

I’m on a fairly new drug called Geodon. Geodon is supposed to be a great drug for helping to even out Bipolar symptoms. The only problem is that with some people Geodon will elevate your blood pressure. Unfortunately, I’m one of those people. I’m doing better with Geodon, but I still don’t like it!

The last few days haven’t been to terribly bad, some light headedness, but overall nothing that I couldn’t cope with. Today was not one of those days! Today I felt at times like I was going to pass out at times. At other times my eyeballs felt like I had just let George Foreman use them for a punching bag a few times as they hurt!

I’ve been chatting on line in the DBSA Invision Power Board. This board is put up by the “Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance” or just “DBSA.” In my previous writings I’ve mentioned how great the DBSA is & how big a help they are for those of us with Bipolar disorder. What I’ve found out from others in this group, plus talking with some of my friends & family that have traveled down the road of mental illness before is that I am not alone in this travel. It normally takes awhile for a person with a mental disorder to get their meds balanced out.

In addition, I’ve found out quite a few things about all of the meds that I’m on. One thing that scares me through all of this is that if I’m not careful, I can very easily become overmedicated or even wind up on a medical disability due to my meds. Disability is something that I’m working hard to avoid. That is why I’m not giving up & throwing in the towel. I have set it in my Heart to beat this.

I look at life a different way now. Now that I know that it’s Bipolar disorder that basically destroyed the past twenty-five years of my life. Bipolar disorder took from me almost everything that I ever cared about, loved, or busted my butt for. At one time Bipolar disorder even took all of my family from me. I knew there had to be something wrong with me but I could never find someone to believe me or care enough to get me the help I so deperately needed.

For years and years I was always told my failures were due to my crazy ideas, I just wasn’t living right, or some other lame excuse. No more excuses! Now I have an answer! Now I’m getting somewhere.

This roller coaster that I’m on is still marked progress over where I’ve come from. Yes this roller caoster stinks, bad! Yes, I hate being on this roller coaster but I know that God has given me one of the very best Care Teams that one could ever hope or pray for.

I’ve got an appointment coming up with my psychiatrist and I know that she will do something right to stop this roller coaster. But for the next two weeks if you see me & I’m not my normal, mainc self, just smile and say “Hey Scott! You’re roller coaster stuck in the bottom again?” At least I’ll know you read this! Who knows, that might just be the spark I need to get a little mania going!

Oh, btw… By my figures, Bipolar has now consumed the last 25 years of my life. From the time I was a Senior in high school until now. As soon as this roller coaster stops I’m getting off and making up a whole bunch of lost ground. I know that I know that I know Jesus is plotting new courses for me! I’m closing in on my first college degree! Praise God!

For once in my life I’m starting to hear and believe God when he tells me I’m not a failure!

Be Blessed!!!


Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Who do you have...

Who do you have in your life that makes your day brighter?  God sends people into our lives to cheer us up.  Stop and think about it, we all have someone who makes our day go better.  Sometimes it our spouses or someone else in our family that cheers us up.  And then at other times it can be a friend, a coworker, a pastor, just about anyone God can send our way to cheer us up.

I’ve been told over and over again that I am so blessed to have a wife that lifts me up.  I know it’s true as the first person I see when I wake up in the morning is the light of my life!  When I’m down my wife’s brightness reaches down into my depression, shines light into my life, and lifts me up!  It’s not just me, my wife is just one of those people that others love to be around!

I talk a lot about my Care Team.  One person on my Care Team that I talk with several times a week, mainly because we’re also friends is my Pastor.  Once again I am blessed here too because God has brought a Pastor into our lives that is on a permanent high, high on Jesus!  My pastor can just look deep into my soul and in a few minutes can have me smiling, even on a really bad day, by speaking the perfect, God given words that I not only need to hear, but many times also brings healing that God has for me.

It’s not just those people that you see on a regular basis that can lift you up.  Today while I was waiting to pick my daughter up at school my niece pulled in to pick up her oldest son too.  My niece is awesome, and that’s probably an understatement!  This gal is so full of Jesus that she just bubbles over in life, joy, and happiness!  I started the day down and by the time I had finished visiting with my niece I had absorbed a huge junk of her great big smile and I too had a great big smile on my face!

Think about who it is in your life that lifts you up.  Make a mental note of those people.  When you’re feeling down, expect God to bring some of these people or someone like them into your life.  God is a God of love.  God wants you to have a joyful heart.  Psalm 5:11 jumps out at me tonight: “But let all who take refuge in you rejoice; let them sing joyful praises forever. Protect them, so all who love your name may be filled with joy.”

I know that I know this is for someone out there.  I don’t know who it is.  If it’s you, Praise God!  If not, find someone today, pass this on, and be that person to them!

Be Blessed!!!