Here's a conversation I had with a friend this week. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
Friend: "How many pastors today are shepherds or just hirelings?"
Me: "I really do think that if we really knew the correct answer we might just be ashamed to have someone call us a " church goer"!"
Friend: "The question is where are they going to heaven or hell?"
Me: "Mark 13:32 "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."
It might just be me but it seems that God likes to move in ways that really drive home what His Word says and to prove that He alone is God. Knowing this I've somehow come to expect that the eastern sky will part on a Sunday morning right around 11:00 a.m. CST.
If you stop and think about it no country other than Israel has been blessed more by God than the United States. In fact one could even make a pretty good argument that in the relatively short time of our existence there has never been a country that has so blatantly taken such a huge amount of God's blessings and then turned right around and arrogantly spit in God's Holy Face and flipped God the bird!
In fact the leader of the blasphemous, adulterated mocking of God has been the church (emphasis on lower case) here in the United States! There is no gray area in God's Word or Law. However the church here in the United States sure has been preaching that there is!
How many TV preachers do you hear on TV preaching repentance, self sacrifice, and using God's Law, the 10 Commandments, to tell others just how vile and wretched we are because of our sins? Few, very, very, few! Guess what, it's about the same percentage of preachers doing it on Sunday mornings in front of their congregations! What a mockery the church here in the United States has become!
Now back to what I said in my second paragraph. I can't even start to imagine a more appropriate time for the eastern sky to split than on a Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. CST. That is the one time during the week that would have the most people sitting in church in the United States. Those on the East Coast would be about to get out of church and it would progress time wise to those in the Pacific Time Zone to just be getting to early church.
I just really wonder if by some incredible guess on my part that I'm right how many churches here in the United States wouldn't have a clue that something really big happened until they dismiss and walk out because the whole congregation, including the pastor, was left behind!
Kind of sombering, isn't it!"