These are my writings, my thoughts, my struggles, my goals, my dreams, and my accomplishments. I hope my writings in some small way can inspire you to push on and seek Jesus.
Tuesday, December 06, 2011
Exciting New Happenings!
I decided to try something different. I decided to switch over to vlogging (video blogging). Tell me what you think!
Video Blog #1 12/06/2011
Be Blessed!
Sunday, May 01, 2011
How Do We Plan To Survive?
In today’s Wall Street Journal and Wichita Eagle newspaper there was an article about how the United States will be short 91,500 physicians by 2020. Simply put, this is just another example of how unchecked abortions, especially since 1973, have jumped up to bite us as a country. According to Planned Parenthood’s research arm, the Alan Gutmacher Institute, over 50 millions babies have been aborted since the Roe V. Wade decision of 1973.
Considering that 98 percent of all abortions were done for reasons other then fetal abnormality or risk to the health of the mother, that means that there are still close to 50 million less people in our work force here in the United States then if abortion was not an alternative to live birth.
As our population ages we need these younger workers to be productive and contribute to our economy. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics April 01, 2011 report there are approximately 153,400,000 workers current working here in the United States. That means, according to Planned Parenthood numbers that approximately one in four people that could be in our work force were killed by abortion. To me, those numbers are staggering!
There are 661, 400 physicians and surgeons in the United States in 2008. This is according to the 2010 Statistical Abstract of the U.S. Census Bureau. This represents about 12% of all healthcare professionals and 0.6% of all employed persons in the United States. Furthermore, an American Medical Association (AMA) survey found that 35 percent of U.S. physicians are over age 55. Doing the math 65 percent of doctors are under age 55. Take the 50 million Americans killed by abortion and take that by 0.6 percent and you will see that according to statistics in the next twenty years you would see an increase of approximately 300,000 doctors with approximately have of those, 150,000 online and serving as doctors here in the United States right now.
According to the above story, “It's a shortage that, depending on which report one reads, could see the nation short 91,500 physicians by 2020.” Had it not been for abortion we could have very well had a SURPLUS of doctors! You can also carry this over to any other field or profession here in the United States.
However, due to unchecked abortion, not only does our economy suffer, but also many other fields and professions that will be hurting due to the lack of young workers. If we continue to kill off the people that we need to sustain and grow our country and our economy then how do we plan to survive?
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Just another quick update…
Maybe I jumped the gun on posting the first update a few days ago but I thought that I ought to share the results of my visit with my Pulmonary Specialist (lung doctor) yesterday. The news I received was not real good. He said to me “You’ve got some pretty bad lung damage.” He also told me unless I loose a large amount of weight that I’ll probably be on oxygen the rest of my life. I’ll be taking more x-rays at the end of this month and we’ll see how my healing is progressing from my bout with pneumonia.
I know that this is not the life that God has intended for me. Like I said last time I know that the Lord has called me to preach the Gospel and to reach the lost. I have no choice but to trust in God for my healing. I also know I have to do my part so I’m going back to working to loose weight and get to where I can be healthier again.
Thank you for your continued prayers! Please keep praying for me and my family and for me to be able to get back out and witness!
Be Blessed!
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Ministry Update
I just wanted to get a quick ministry update out. March has not been a good month for me. The first part of the month the weather was not very hospitable for getting out and witnessing and the last part of the month I’ve been sick. Needless to say I’m looking forward to April and the months to come!
To update you on my health, things turned for the worse last about two weeks ago. I started getting sick and I started having g a hard time breathing again. Our team was going to Old Town bar section here in Wichita on St. Patrick’s Day night and I was in bad enough shape by then I couldn’t go with them. I held out through the weekend and on Monday my wife took me to the hospital where I was admitted into ICU with a severe case pneumonia. I was in the hospital all week and was finally released last Friday.
I still have a small amount of pneumonia in my lungs and I’m on oxygen now 24/7 until the pneumonia leaves completely and my lungs heal up. Needless to say it’s hard to hit the streets when you have to drag an oxygen tank around wherever you go and you run out of breath real easy. Right now I can walk around a grocery type store pushing a shopping cart and sucking down oxygen for only about 20 – 30 minutes before I start running out of breath.
I know that right now the enemy is laughing at me thinking he’s taken out one of God’s own ministers of the Gospel but I got news for him. I am going to trust in God to open doors for me to share the Gospel. I will fight through this and find ways to share Jesus with the lost and dying! God didn’t call me to reach the lost and then all of a sudden crawl in a hole and die. That’s not me and it’s not going to happen if I have anything to say about it!
I’ve still got my van that says “Free Money- Just Ask” on it and people are still coming up asking for that free money. Just yesterday I was sitting in a parking lot waiting for my wife and I guy came up and asked for the free money. I gave him a million dollar bill Gospel tract and then I shared the Gospel with him. I know God will open more doors like this as I diligently seek to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!
I’m still going into grocery stores and such passing out million dollar bill Gospel tracts there too. By the way I should add here that I’m about out of tracts. Please pray that the Lord would provide me with more tracts.
Please keep me and my family in prayer as we’re going through a really tough time here. Also, please keep praying that the Lord through His Holy Spirit will continue to heal me and raise me up! Springs here and summer is coming and it’s driving me nuts not being able to really get out and witness! All I’m asking for is for God to heal me so I can win souls for the King!
Thank you for taking your time to read this and thank you for your prayers as I really do need them and I greatly appreciate them!
Be Blessed!!!
Big Scott
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Question & Answer About Porn
I received the following three questions first back in 2005 and wrote a blog about them.
“What is your view on porn? Is there anything wrong with it (porn)? Can someone be addicted (to porn)?"
I’ve taken that blog and I just rewrote it with updates. I know that there are people out there needing to hear what I’ve written. I hope and pray that what I’ve wrote finds them.
Praise God these questions came my way! As one who has been down the porn road and now set free, I feel God has given me a unique perspective and insight to address this issue. This may come as a shock to some as you read through my reply but it is a reply that tells how I was set free and can set other captives free!
Porn can be and is VERY addictive. I was hooked on porn from the time I was about 14 up until about seven years ago. I was introduced to porn at an early age by a friend of mine’s big brother. Needless to say being introduced to porn at such an early age really messed with the way I saw women.
Porn has destroyed so very much in my life I wouldn't know where to start. Being Bi-Polar with a very heavy manic side, I came very close several times to having a run in with the law. Why I never got in trouble with the law is beyond me. The only thing that I can think of that saved me from traveling down that terrible road was God. God had a better plan for my life!
I tried being a Christian, a husband, & a good father while hooked on porn. Where did it get me? I was divorced from my wife & separated from my kids. I also lost a lot of friends and had several disastrous relationships with women all because of the way my brain was skewered on porn. That's what porn does. It messes with your mind and destroys your sense of reality.
What saved me from porn? God. Pure, plain, & simple! When I hit the end of my rope so to say and had nothing else to live for about seven years ago I just simply gave up. My wife who divorced me in 1996 and remarried me in December of 1999 believing that somehow I still had some redeeming value in me and that I did indeed need to be the father that God has called me to be took me in to the local mental health crisis center for help.
After years and years of being addicted to porn I was very close to suicide. I didn’t care. I had nothing to loose. I said “What the hell? Here’s what I’ve done. Here’s what I feel. And here’s what I’m taking (abusing).” I laid it all out. The porn addiction, the OTC speed addiction, the self mutilation addiction that was a result of the porn addiction. I threw it all out there just to show how screwed up I had gotten myself. I had the “Here, YOU deal with it” attitude!
Little did I know that what I was doing was the single most freeing thing that I could do. I dumped it all. I held nothing back. I told my psychiatrist, my counselor, my Pastor, & I even told our family doctor some of it. The one person that I expected that would be the most likely to give me the boot or explode all over me was the one that cared the most. That was our Pastor.
The care that our Pastor took to make sure I got treatment, to talk with me, to love on me, to lift me up when I got down was more then I could have ever imagined! The problem is that our Pastor has seen way too many men get caught in the snare, the trap of porn and have their whole lives ruined. Mine was ruined here too. The difference was our Pastor had an opportunity to be Jesus to me, to free me from the trap, the snare that had so entangled me.
I’m Bi-Polar and back then I was having some serious Bi-Polar mood swings. Being Bi-Polar has an absurdly, seriously, dangerous side. When you’re on the high, manic side of Bi-Polar and you have a porn addiction you’ll crave porn just like a crack addict craves crack. When you’re on the down, depression side of Bi-Polar having the porn addiction is just more thing to come in and pound you down. With Bi-Polar & porn there is no middle ground. That’s what makes porn so absurdly, seriously, dangerous.
My advice to anyone with a porn addiction, especially those that are Bi-Polar, tell your psychiatrist, your counselor, your Pastor, a close friend, your spouse if you have one. Tell someone that is willing to help you beat this addiction. Beating this addiction is going to be just like beating an alcohol or drug addiction. Why do I say that? It’s medically proven porn causes dopamine to be released in the brain causing a drug high.
Dopamine is a chemical that your body produces when you’re having sex. God designed sex to be between a husband and a wife. God designed sex so that when a husband and a wife are having sex dopamine is released enhancing the experience drawing the husband and wife closer together and thus giving them a longing deep inside for each other and the want to continue sexual relations. Any sex that is outside of the marriage bonds of a man and a woman is an abomination unto God which is exactly what porn does!
Another problem with porn is that it is somewhat culturally accepted and it is pretty much legal. So were the over the counter speed pills I was hooked on. So are cigarettes. So is alcohol. So on and so forth. They will all kill you. Period! How will porn kill you? For starters if you get deep enough into porn, which is so very easy to do and you won’t know it until it’s too late, is that porn can lead to such severe depression that one may very well commit suicide or at least try. At the very least it will kill your relationship God! It will also kill you emotionally and socially.
The good news is that I found something to replace that high I was getting from porn. This is a high that is better then any high porn or drugs could ever give me. This high has no end. This high is not destructive. This high is in fact very good for you. This high has brought me a ton of healing. What is this high? This high is Jesus!
If you’re playing around with porn, STOP!!! If you can’t stop, you need help. Like I said earlier, get help! This is your life. Don’t loose it over porn!
I hope and pray that hits home with some!
Be Blessed!