Friday, March 19, 2010

Keeping The Faith

I was praying the other day about my street ministry and the fruit that it has been yielding. I guess the enemy was on me trying to convince me that I should be yielding more fruit and more salvations then what I’ve been seeing. As I was reading in the Bible I felt the Holy Spirit showed me what the Apostle Paul had to say in 1 Corinthians 3:6-9 “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow. It’s not important who does the planting, or who does the watering. What’s important is that God makes the seed grow. The one who plants and the one who waters work together with the same purpose. And both will be rewarded for their own hard work. For we are both God’s workers. And you are God’s field. You are God’s building.”

That was good news to me as we’ve been doing a ton of seed planting. With the million dollar bill gospel tracts that we’ve been passing out literally by the thousands we don’t get to do one on one ministry with every tract that we pass out. In fact we only get to do one on one ministry with about somewhere between one in thirty to one in fifty depending on where and when we’re passing out the million dollar bill gospel tracts. If we’re at a store or a mall the one on one number may be as low as one in ten and at big outdoor events such as concerts and Riverfest it could be as high as one in one hundred.

One thing that we do know is that people are taking the million dollar bill gospel tracts and not only keeping them but reading them. After someone takes one it’s not unusual for someone to walk away reading the tract and then put the tract in their wallet or pocket. We’re also starting to get reports of people taking the tracts and putting them on their refrigerator and some are even taking them to work with them and putting them up there! One other way we know that people are keeping the million dollar bill tract is that when we pass them out we keep an eye out for people throwing them on the ground on in a trash can. We very, very seldom see either one of those things happening, Praise God!

I should add another thing that we’ve started doing is going to the truck staging lot at 13th & Mosely here in Wichita during the mid day time and passing out Gospels of John with a million dollar bill stuck in them. These have been a huge hit with the drivers there! I found out quite a while back that many of the drivers there had one hour plus waits there so via the leading of the Holy Spirit I decided to give them something to do. I walk around to all of the trucks when I have Gospels in stock and hand them one and tell them “Here’s something for you to read while you’re waiting.” My problem is that my sponsor on those Gospels can only do 30 Gospels per month. I’m praying for more sponsorship to come in so I can reach more truckers on a one to one basis!

So I guess we’ll keep doing what we’re doing and pumping out the Gospel for Jesus! I’ll keep planting the seeds here in the end times. If you get a chance please keep me and my ministry in prayer so we have both the resources and the favor to keep planting seeds and serving the Lord!

Be Blessed!
