These are my writings, my thoughts, my struggles, my goals, my dreams, and my accomplishments. I hope my writings in some small way can inspire you to push on and seek Jesus.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Tuesday, November 09, 2010
Where Did Summer Go?
Wow! Where did the summer go? What a great summer I had as far as witnessing went. I had the pleasure of praying with fourteen people while I was doing street ministry during the summer months. It is definitely fun witnessing when the Holy Spirit is being poured out!
It’s now time to start transitioning to cold weather witnessing. Now I’ll be going out more during the day than in the evenings. This week I’ve been focusing on one of the local laundromats. One thing that everyone at laundromats have in common is that everyone has time to wait while the clothes are either washing or drying. This makes for an awesome evangelistic opportunity!
We’ve been unfortunate in that our clothes dryer has went out on us. We’ve got a maintenance repair plan on our appliances here in our home but it looks like it will be another week or two before they can get it fixed. In the mean time we’ve been having to go to a local laundromat every day to dry clothes. When we go to the laundromats as soon as I get our clothes going I start passing out million dollar bill Gospel tracts and Gospels of John. I usually tuck a million dollar bill inside a Gospel of John and then hand them as one. I’m happy to report that in the past week or so I’ve went through a bunch of Gospels of John and even more million dollar bills!
I’m looking forward to getting my video camcorder back out of the shop. I plan on going down to the county courthouse here in Wichita around lunch time and setting up and interviewing people like I did this summer at the Keeper of the Plains. I’ve found as long as the temperature is close to fifty degrees and the wind isn’t blowing people will stop and talk with you. I’m looking forward to reporting back to you with some great news!
Until then…
Be Blessed!!!
Scott Kliewer
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
September Blog/Update/Newsletter
Good News! Since the last time I wrote I’m pleased to announce that I’ve had four more people pray with me on the streets for salvation! Praise God! In fact this past weekend I had something happen that I never had happen before. I had a father and a son both pray with me at the same time for salvation! That was really pretty neat and had me all excited!
I have to confess that I’m not a real strong prayer warrior. I don’t know why but I consider prayer my weakness in my Christian life. This past week was no different for me in my prayer life. I realized while I was heading out to witness that I wasn’t “prayed up”. So while driving across town I was praying “Lord, I’m sorry I haven’t been praying like I should but would you please bring me divine appointments?”
I’ve come to realize that God wants nothing more then for someone to come to the saving grace of his son Jesus Christ. Angels rejoice in Heaven when someone gets saved! Therefore I also know now that the Lord is quick to answer prayer when you’re praying fo the lost to come in especially when you’re praying for you to be the one bringing in the harvest so to speak.
It was kind of interesting how the father and the son came to pray with me for salvation. I went to Old Town first Saturday evening but I was getting no where there so I headed over to the Keeper of the Plains for the fire pits lighting. Sure enough there was a good crowd there. The first two people I witnessed with were both very saved Christians. As I was finishing with the second person I prayed under my breath real quick “Lord I need a divine appointment!”
The next thing I did was to turn around and as I was turning around another gentleman was turning around right in front of me. I looked at him and said cheerfully “Hi!” which he returned right back. I told him I was working on a project where I interview people and asked him if I could interview him and he agreed. I started taking him through the Way of the Master method and it didn’t take very long for the Dad to confess he was headed to hell and that really bother him.
At this point I shared with him and his son what it takes to go to Heaven, then both of them agreed to pray with me to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior! We prayed together and when we got done things were winding down at the Keeper of the Plains so we talked more and I made sure he understood what just happened and he did. As a side note there’s not a much better feeling here on earth then leading someone to Christ! Give it a try, you might just like it too!!!
Monday, August 09, 2010
August Newsletter/Update
I’ve never had the pleasure of leading nine people to Jesus in one year let alone one month but the Holy Spirit was most definitely moving in July! Even more interesting all of the salvations took place at the Keeper of the Plains here in Wichita. I started the month of by leading three young people to the Lord all at one time and one by one they kept coming in!
It was kind of interesting what I did. I did what I saw another street evangelist in Atlanta do. I went and got me a camera, tripod, microphone, and someone to run the camera for me. We set up down at the Keeper of the Plains in the evening just before sunset which is when it gets busy there and I just invited people to come on camera so I could interview them.
You’d be amazed at how easy it is sometimes to get people to come on camera and talk to you! The first question that I ask is “When someone’s life on earth is over, when someone dies, do you believe there is any kind of afterlife or is that it?” Here in Wichita I find somewhere around a fourth of the people have a saving relationship with Jesus Christ. The other three quarters run the gamut from a mix of eastern religion to evolutionists not sure what they believe and everything in between!
What I try to do is to use the Way of the Master method of witnessing. Once I find out that they’re not saved I try to take them through the Ten Commandments to show them their sins and to show them why they need Jesus. The Way of the Master method works really great in that you are not judging them rather they see in their own hearts why they need a savior!
I will add that the Lord in the middle of this month gave me a goal to try to reach. Since I’ve been saved in 1988 it’s been my goal to try to lead one person a year to the Lord. Last month in the middle of July the Lord spoke to my heart and gave me the challenge of leading one person a WEEK to the Lord! To do this I’m going to need help and support from my family & friends. Please pray that the Lord will bless me with what I need to do this. Also please pray for my boldness to reach out so I can do what the Lord has called me to do! This is going to be a huge challenge for me but with the Lord’s help and the leading of the Holy Spirit I can do it!
Thank you for your time, prayers, & support!
Be Blessed!!!
Scott Kliewer
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Here’s something exciting that I feel the Lord has laid on my heart. Ever since I was saved in 1988 I’ve had the goal of leading at least one person to Christ every year. It’s just something that I feel the Lord really wanted me to do. Well this week I feel that the Lord is turning up the heat quite a bit as I feel he wants me to lead at least one person a week to Christ! Wow! What a challenge and call!
I know that I can’t do this on my own. I’ll really need to be tuned into the Holy Spirit very closely to do this! In addition I need your help. Please pray for me to first be led by the Holy Spirit and secondly please pray for “divine appointments” so that the Lord brings people into my life or across my path that are open to hearing the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
The weather has to say the least been very conducive to witnessing! We had some highs close to one hundred degrees but most of the month was in the upper eighties to the low nineties which made witnessing in the evenings very comfortable weather wise!
This past month here in Wichita I’ve been going to Old Town on at least every Friday and Saturday evening and sometimes I would even hit Old Town during the week if there was a crowd as there was last night with people all over waiting for the midnight opening of the Twilight saga. I addition I’ve been trying to hit the Keeper of the Plains three to four nights a week.
One of the more fun things that I did this past month and I plan on doing the rest of the summer is taking the kids, George our seven year old in particular, to the various free water parks we are blessed with here in Wichita. There are three main water parks that we hit. What we do while we are there is for George and the other kids to run and have fun and I walk around and pass out million dollar bill Gospel tracts and witness to the parents that are there with there kids. I kind of makes for a captive audience which is rather nice!
July is shaping up to be a very busy month witnessing too! This coming weekend, July first through the fourth, Wichita is hosting a national convention here in town. The GTO Owners Association of America rolls into our fair city. We’re going to be invaded by a couple of hundred or so Pontiac GTO’s, plus their owners & car buffs in general. I look for this to be an awesome ministry opportunity!
In addition Automobilia's 16th Moonlight Car Show & Street Party invades Old Town Saturday, July tenth from 6:00 p.m. to midnight. This car show is free and open to the public and usually draws at least a couple hundred street cars plus well over ten thousand spectators! This one we will be out in full force for! We are also planning on filming and doing interviews at this car show.
Speaking of filming and doing interviews we finally got all of our equipment set up and running last Thursday. We set up to film at the Keeper of the Plains to see how things would go. I had Kevin running the camera and I did the interviewing. What we did was I would tell people that we were working on a documentary and would they mind if I interviewed them and asked them a few questions. In other words I thought that I’d be Ray Comfort from Way of the Master!
The first question I asked was what do you think happens when your life on earth is over, when people pass to the other side? We found that this was a great question to ask and it really got most people to really open up! We only had one guy walk away from our filming and we even had one young man admit he was going to Hell and he said he would go to his youth pastor and tell him he needed Jesus and he needed to be saved!
The only problem we encountered in our filming is that when we played back our filming we had no audio! We hope to have this problem solved shortly so we can get back to filming as it is such an awesome way to get people to open up! In addition I mentioned above that I was telling people that we are shooting a documentary. What we hope to do is shoot throughout the summer and then edit things down and put out a DVD for training and educational purposes.
To change the subject here a little bit people have been asking me how my health has been doing. In addition I guess I ought to give an update on my Bi-Polar Disorder and my ADHD since this is what part of this blog is about.
In case you didn’t know I’ve got Chronic Respiratory Failure which means my lungs aren’t working right. In addition I still have my diabetes. I’m still having trouble with my breathing and things haven’t really gotten any better or any worse for about a year and a half now. The good news is it appears I have my diabetes under control and I’m not taking insulin shots, just pills only (Yea God!).
Back to my mental health issues. My Bi-Polar seems to be fairly well under control. The doctor the other day made a small change in my meds to help me loose weight and I hope it helps! As far as my ADHD (adult attention hyperactivity disorder) I’m really not taking anything for it. I’ve tried ADHD meds in the past and they just messed with me way to much so right now I’m just resigned to having fun with my ADHD! My wife and kids are very understanding of my ADHD and my wife and kids know they just need to remind Dad every once in while that he is forgetting something or he needs to go do something!
Oh well, that’s it for now. I know this blog went a little long but thanks for reading it. In addition I know that many of my readers are also praying for both me and my ministry. If that’s you, a great big THANK YOU goes out to you!
Until next time…
Be Blessed!!!
Scott Kliewer
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Saturday evening I start at the Rumble in Delano ( from about 6:00 or so and I’ll be there until about 8:30 when I’ll go back to the Keeper of the Plains for a short time again and then its back over to Old Town to finish out the night.
Like I said I’ve got a busy two evenings planned and could really use your prayers!
Thanks in advance for your prayers & thoughts!
Be Blessed!!!
Scott Kliewer
Monday, May 31, 2010
Witnessing Suggestion
The first verse is one that most every person has heard, John 3:16. “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. ”The second & third verses are Romans 10:9 & 10. ”If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10 For it is by believing in your heart that you are made right with God, and it is by confessing with your mouth that you are saved.”
I’ve found that if I don’t have very long to witness with someone that if I stick with these three verses I can make inroads really fast with the person I’m witnessing with. Don’t get me wrong, I still prefer the “Way of the Master” way where you show them the Ten Commandments and lead them to repentance that way, but like I said, if times short, I can cut right to the chase this way! I look at it this way, it’s better to share Grace then to not share at all!
I hope this helps and encourages you in your sharing too!
Be Blessed!!!
Scott Kliewer
Friday, March 19, 2010
Keeping The Faith
That was good news to me as we’ve been doing a ton of seed planting. With the million dollar bill gospel tracts that we’ve been passing out literally by the thousands we don’t get to do one on one ministry with every tract that we pass out. In fact we only get to do one on one ministry with about somewhere between one in thirty to one in fifty depending on where and when we’re passing out the million dollar bill gospel tracts. If we’re at a store or a mall the one on one number may be as low as one in ten and at big outdoor events such as concerts and Riverfest it could be as high as one in one hundred.
One thing that we do know is that people are taking the million dollar bill gospel tracts and not only keeping them but reading them. After someone takes one it’s not unusual for someone to walk away reading the tract and then put the tract in their wallet or pocket. We’re also starting to get reports of people taking the tracts and putting them on their refrigerator and some are even taking them to work with them and putting them up there! One other way we know that people are keeping the million dollar bill tract is that when we pass them out we keep an eye out for people throwing them on the ground on in a trash can. We very, very seldom see either one of those things happening, Praise God!
I should add another thing that we’ve started doing is going to the truck staging lot at 13th & Mosely here in Wichita during the mid day time and passing out Gospels of John with a million dollar bill stuck in them. These have been a huge hit with the drivers there! I found out quite a while back that many of the drivers there had one hour plus waits there so via the leading of the Holy Spirit I decided to give them something to do. I walk around to all of the trucks when I have Gospels in stock and hand them one and tell them “Here’s something for you to read while you’re waiting.” My problem is that my sponsor on those Gospels can only do 30 Gospels per month. I’m praying for more sponsorship to come in so I can reach more truckers on a one to one basis!
So I guess we’ll keep doing what we’re doing and pumping out the Gospel for Jesus! I’ll keep planting the seeds here in the end times. If you get a chance please keep me and my ministry in prayer so we have both the resources and the favor to keep planting seeds and serving the Lord!
Be Blessed!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Getting Excited!!!
First of all I’m excited to announce that I’ll be teaching a class on how to share your faith & do street witnessing. This will take place at Word of Life School on Monday evenings. This class is being promoted both between Ground Zero Youth Church and our church, Word of Life. It is however open to anyone wanting to attend and there is no charge! We will be going over primarily Way of the Master teachings to start with and then we will be progressing to Mark Cahill’s book & study guide “One Thing You Can’t Do In Heaven.” I’m expecting a great turnout for this class since we’re combining both churches for this class. Please keep this class in your prayers if you would as one of our goals is to have a complete street witnessing team together by the time Riverfest gets here to Wichita in May.
Next, I’m excited about the reception that we’ve been getting in front of the County Courthouse here in Wichita over the lunch hours. People have been really open to taking our million dollar bill tracts and we’ve also had the opportunity to do some ministry there too. I hoping and praying that the weather will hold this week and we will get to witness at the courthouse at least two times this coming week.
Another place where my street ministry has been getting a very warm reception is the semi-truck staging lot at the corner of 13th & Mosley here in Wichita. The staging lot is a place where semi trucks hauling grain come to wait there turn to unload at one of the local grain dumps. Sometimes when we go there only three or four trucks may be there on there may be twenty to thirty trucks there, you just never know. What I do there is I walk around to all of the different trucks and give the drivers a Gospel of John with my contact info in it so they can get a hold of me if they ever need prayer of ministry and I also put a million dollar bill on the inside so they can read and know the only way to Heaven, Jesus Christ! As I walk along to all of the different trucks I just simply say “Here’s something for you to read while you’re waiting.” Most drivers are very happy to get a Gospel and to know that someone actually cares!
Finally, I’m really getting stoked about the Intrust Bank Arena now being open here in downtown Wichita! What an opportunity this is going to be to witness! The arena holds I believe as many as 15,000 people and we shouldn’t have any problems standing outside this venue and witnessing. As soon as the weather breaks just a little and it’s not blistering cold out we’ll be down there, especially on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Yes, things are looking up for my street ministry! I’m excited about what the Lord is doing here in these final days! Please keep me and my team in your prayers as we really need your support!
Thanks & God Bless!!!
Scott Kliewer
Sunday, January 31, 2010
How To Share Your Faith Videos
The first video is titled “Hell’s Best Kept Secret.” I would just simply call it “Witnessing 101!” This video really breaks down witnessing and tells you how Jesus would witness.
Next, here is Todd Friel from Wretched showing in two parts how to witness. This is so simple it will blow you away!
Part 1
Part 2
After you’ve viewed all of the above Check out this video series with Paul Washer with Todd Friel at the Deeper Conference. This is more motivational then anything. It’s also an awesome job of street preaching!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
When you get done with the above I'd recommend going to Way of the Master's Channel on YouTube & just start watching all of the videos as you have time. Be forewarned these videos will draw you in and help drive you to share your faith!!!
Be Blessed
Big Scott
Saturday, January 23, 2010
End Of Times
3 Later, Jesus sat on the Mount of Olives. His disciples came to him privately and said, “Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will signal your return and the end of the world?”
4 Jesus told them, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, 5 for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many. In the past 30 years how many false prophets have we heard off? Too many to count if you count them all!
6 And you will hear of wars and threats of wars, but don’t panic. Yes, these things must take place, but the end won’t follow immediately. The world has been at war for most all of the 20th century and this century is starting out even worse.
7 Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in many parts of the world. Like I said, war all over the world. As far as famines and earthquakes in the African continent people have been starving to death there for years. Now it’s starting to spread to other parts of the world. We even have starving here in the United States!
8 But all this is only the first of the birth pains, with more to come. Not much fun to hear but we know that this brings us closer every day to the Lord’s return!
9 “Then you will be arrested, persecuted, and killed. You will be hated all over the world because you are my followers. According to “Voice of the Martyrs” there have been more people put to death in the 20th century then in all of history for being a Christian and this century is starting out even more brutal with the rampant spread of Islam.
10 And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. I see this even in people I know! I sometimes really see it when I’m on the streets witnessing! You would be amazed at the extent some people will go even right here in our own country to vilify Christianity!
11 And many false prophets will appear and will deceive many people. Just like I said about verses 4 & 5, you can hardly go a week without hearing about false prophets trying to lead people away. It’s even happening here in our churches. When you have Unitarian churches and other churches teaching that Jesus is not the only way to Heaven rather a way to Heaven many will most definitely be deceived!
12 Sin will be rampant everywhere, and the love of many will grow cold. Sin is sin and our country is leading purveyor of it! Just look at the rise of homosexuality in our country. Just look at the pornography business in this country. We lead the world in exportation of both homosexuality and pornography but yet many churches turn a blind eye to it.
13 But the one who endures to the end will be saved. Praise God for that!
14 And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come. You had better get ready for the end to come at any time now! For the first time in the history of the world the Good News of Jesus Christ is being preached to every tribe, tongue, & nation in this world. Up until just a few short years ago this was not possible. Right now the Bible is either being or has been translated into every known language in the world. The Good News is also being spread by both the internet and satellite television which is now also going into every nation in the world!
After reading the above verses and going over what the Lord showed me I’m both scared and apprehensive. I’m scared because I know I’ve missed sharing the Gospel with people that the Lord sent my way and I know I should have done a far better job sharing with them. On the other hand, I’m more then a little apprehensive, or even excited if you will know now that the Lord’s return is imminent and it won’t be long and I’ll be out of here!!!
Be Blessed!!!
Big Scott
This is one reason why I use million dollar bill gospel tracts. The van is a real attention getter! I have people chase me down & stop me to ask for the "free money!" In fact last night I had a guy holler at me in the grocery store paking lot & he said "Hey, your the guy with the free million dollar bills aren't you?" He said he had seen me earlier in the day and he was wanting another free million dollar bill so he could pass one on to one of his friends.
Lately I've been seeing more and more people come back up to me after they've got a million dollar bill of their own want another one or two to give to a freind, their kid, or someone else they think could use one.
I guess as long as I'm having the success with the million dollar bill that I'm having I'll keep using it.