Saturday, March 03, 2007


It’s Saturday evening @ 11:45 & I’m sitting here with my head still pounding and my body still bouncing to the beat from the WinterJam concert that my wife and I went to tonight! For those that haven’t heard or been to a WinterJam concert it features Sanctus Real, Hawk Nelson, Newsong, Steven Curtis Chapman, Jeremy Camp, & The Following. It was 3 ½ hours on pretty much non stop rock and roll for Jesus! It was awesome!

I’ve been to both Steven Curtis Chapman & Newsong concerts in the past and I can tell you this, they never rocked out at those concerts like they did tonight! It’s nice to see that some of the guys that have been around for awhile can still rock out with the kids! Oh, and by the way… Hawk Nelson has been compared to AC/DC from 25 years ago. I don’t agree! AC/DC has never been as good as Hawk Nelson was tonight!

Lest I should save this until the end, out of the 7500 or so people that were there tonight a little over 1000 made a commitment for Jesus! Pretty awesome for a Christian concert!

Be Blessed!!!