Sunday, September 22, 2013

Stand United For Good Or Fall To Evil

We've got the best form of government that was ever created. However for our form of government to work the people as a whole have to participate in it, not just the small percentage of citizens that show up every four years to vote for a presidential election or even fewer citizens still that show up to vote at all of the other elections!

We've become a fat, lazy, & cuddled nation. Even during our lean years such as the Great Depression we have still been a prosperous country compared to every other country in the world. As long as the majority of people of this country have a job, transportation, food, & a place to call home most will be happy to blissfully ignore the treasonous attacks by Obama & his cohorts against the people of this country.

Our only chance to save this nation and to wake our citizens up & then move our citizens to action to stand unified as one voice. The horribly prevailing reason that Obama is in the White “Mosque” & Democrats control the Senate is because for the last two elections the different liberal interest groups stood as one voice to win. The LGBT's stood with the pro-aborts. The pro-aborts stood with the environmentalists. The environmentalists stood with the unions who have a track record of disregarding environmental issues and so on. They put their differences aside, stood and raised their hands to openly attack anyone that dared to take on any liberal and to do whatever it took, legal or otherwise, to put their person in power & keep them there.

If we as Constitutionalists (people that believe in & support our Constitution) fail this time to stand in one in unity to defeat the evil that has taken control I fear we may not have another opportunity to do so! Those of us that support Impeachment must stand together with those that are pushing for criminal charges against the Administration. Those pushing for charges must stand together with those fighting illegal aliens. Those fighting illegal aliens must stand with those fighting abortion and we must all stand together to do whatever it takes, LEGALLY, to stop the madness! If we don't stop the madness legally then we are no better then the evil we're trying to defeat. And if don't stand together it really won't matter what we do because we'll all lose anyway!

If Conservatives & Constitutionalists really want to take this country back & defeat the evil politicians that have overtaken and corrupted the inner workings not only of our government but also the very fabric that makes us all Americans then we must stand united!

Let me pose it to you this way. What would happen if everyone that wanted to run as either a Republican, Libertarian, or any other party that embraces Constitutional Government absolutely refused to attack their Constitutionalist/Conservative opponent but rather focused their campaign solely on themselves and why they should be the ones chosen to represent the people because of what they hold true & promise to support their fellow Constitutionalist/Conservative opponent regardless of which Constitutionalist/Comservative wins, just how bat crazy do you think the liberal press would go? I think the meltdown would be hilarious! But even better by far, how excited would the American Voters be about going to the polls to elect these people who would be willing to stand tall and support the people that are voting for them?

Am I passionate about this? Yes! Why? Because I have seen first hand what can be accomplished for both good and evil when people stand as one! Everyone now has seen what will happen when those that support evil stand together, now it's it time to show the whole world what can happen when everyone that stands for good stands together!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Shepherds or Hirelings

Here's a conversation I had with a friend this week. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Friend: "How many pastors today are shepherds or just hirelings?"

Me: "I really do think that if we really knew the correct answer we might just be ashamed to have someone call us a " church goer"!"

Friend: "The question is where are they going to heaven or hell?"

Me: "Mark 13:32 "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself. Only the Father knows."

It might just be me but it seems that God likes to move in ways that really drive home what His Word says and to prove that He alone is God. Knowing this I've somehow come to expect that the eastern sky will part on a Sunday morning right around 11:00 a.m. CST.

If you stop and think about it no country other than Israel has been blessed more by God than the United States. In fact one could even make a pretty good argument that in the relatively short time of our existence there has never been a country that has so blatantly taken such a huge amount of God's blessings and then turned right around and arrogantly spit in God's Holy Face and flipped God the bird!

In fact the leader of the blasphemous, adulterated mocking of God has been the church (emphasis on lower case) here in the United States! There is no gray area in God's Word or Law. However the church here in the United States sure has been preaching that there is!

How many TV preachers do you hear on TV preaching repentance, self sacrifice, and using God's Law, the 10 Commandments, to tell others just how vile and wretched we are because of our sins? Few, very, very, few! Guess what, it's about the same percentage of preachers doing it on Sunday mornings in front of their congregations! What a mockery the church here in the United States has become!

Now back to what I said in my second paragraph. I can't even start to imagine a more appropriate time for the eastern sky to split than on a Sunday morning at 11:00 a.m. CST. That is the one time during the week that would have the most people sitting in church in the United States. Those on the East Coast would be about to get out of church and it would progress time wise to those in the Pacific Time Zone to just be getting to early church.

I just really wonder if by some incredible guess on my part that I'm right how many churches here in the United States wouldn't have a clue that something really big happened until they dismiss and walk out because the whole congregation, including the pastor, was left behind!

Kind of sombering, isn't it!"

Thursday, April 04, 2013

Story Of Healing & Restoration

A story of God's restoration.  14 months ago I was wearing a size 60 (waist) X 30 pants & I weighed 548 pounds.  Today I did my weigh in at Via Christi Weight Loss Clinic.  I tipped the scales today at 308 pounds, a 240 pound WEIGHT LOSS! I also to day pulled on a brand new pair of 42 X 30 jeans!

Yes, that's right, in 14 months, via GOD WORKING MIRACLES in my life, I have lost 240 pounds & 18 inches off of my waist! To be honest I am shocked & blown away how God has brought healing to me!  In addition 14 months ago I was on about a dozen meds, on oxygen full time, & had to sleep with a breathing machine to keep me alive.  I was also totally unable to work.

Fast forward 14 months.  In addition to huge weight loss, I am down to 3 meds, no oxygen or breathing machine, & I am back to work full time working 60 - 70 hour weeks!  In addition, 14 months ago I was pretty much unable to pursue my greatest passion in life which is witnessing & sharing Jesus.  Now I am free to go out at will, walk around, & witness whenever & wherever God gives me opportunities!

Today's "Verse of the Day" from Air1 is Romans 8:28, (NLT) "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them." As I was reading that verse today it hit me that this really is one of the hardest verses in the Bible to really comprehend.  I have to admit that on many occasion I've been glad for a change in circumstances in my life only to have those changes snatched away from me.  At the time I did not even come close to understanding what has been happening.  But looking back 10, 20, even 30 years I see how God has been refining me by fire.  Painful yes, but as hard headed as I am it's most likely the best way that God has had available to get His lessons drilled into my thick head.

The moral of the story? You may not like where you’re at now. You may be questioning why God allows you to be where you’re at now or why he allowed you to get to this point. You may even be angry at God.  Just remember this, we were created by an awesome & loving God. He (God) has promised never to leave us and always be with us. However God never even hinted at there would not be pain along the way, in fact He told us just the opposite, that in fact our lives would be have pain, hardships, trials & troubles. But please keep in mind the above verse which will go a long, long ways towards keeping you going.

Romans 8:28, (NLT) "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Rich Mullins, October 21, 1955 - September 19, 1997

Today is a somber anniversary.  The 15th anniversary of the passing of Rich Mullins.  I actually had the pleasure, scratch that, the privilege of getting to know Rich.  Rich used to do praise & worship at Pro-Life rallies before Operation Rescue National came to Wichita in 1991.

I think it was in the early Spring of 1991 I came to Wichita for a weekend (I was living in Ingalls, KS) for a weekend of saving babies at Tillers abortion clinic.  We always had praise, worship, & prayer on the Friday nights before we went out Saturday mornings to save babies & since Rich lived here in Wichita at the time he quite often would take time out of his busy schedule to lead our praise & worship (yes, the praise & worship was extremely Holy Spirit empowered!).

This one Friday night at the end of the service people were asked to raise their hands if they needed a place to stay as local people graciously opened their homes for out of towners.  I raised mine & Rich invited me to his place.  I found out what a truly humble man he really was.

Later that year at the conclusion of the Summer of Mercy we hosted had a weekend long nationwide rally here in Wichita at which I was one of the two people in charge of VIP security, bodyguard if you will.  I shadowed Rich & most other VIP's that weekend including several very prominent world renowned Christians.  I will never forget going out to eat with Rich & several other musicians after the Friday night concert.  Some of the things that Rich said that night still to this day blow my mind!  In fact some of what Rich said took several years for me to fully comprehend the depth, complexity, and the insight to what Rich had to say!

Move forward six years.  Rich was scheduled to play a "homecoming" concert at LD Stadium, here in Rich's adopted home town of Wichita on Saturday, September 20, 1997.  In the dark of the previous night Rich & Mick were heading to Wichita in Rich's Jeep when for an unknown reason the Jeep lost control, overturned, & Rich was killed.  That night LD Stadium sat eerily dark, silent, & empty.  No concert, no joyful homecoming, just a lot of hugging & crying trying to somehow fit the misplaced pieces of the end of Rich's life together. 

A couple of days later I heard a report that at the time of Rich's accident and death there was in the sky a very bright and pronounced shooting star.  I still wonder to this day if Rich went to heaven like Elijah. 

2 Kings 2:11 (NLT)  "As they were walking along and talking, suddenly a chariot of fire appeared, drawn by horses of fire. It drove between the two men, separating them, and Elijah was carried by a whirlwind into heaven."

Here's a link to a YouTube for Rich's song "Creed."  If you're familiar with the South-Central Kansas area you'll notice that the first part of the video was shot out by Eldorado Lake.

Here's the song that made Rich a household name in the Christian community, "Awesome God."  Please pay attention to what Rich has to say at the start of the video.  Those words will give you a slight glimpse into to heart of Rich Mullins.

Rich Mullins
October 21, 1955 - September 19, 1997

Monday, August 13, 2012

God of Hope, Strength, & Love

Hey, so what I'm about to say might sound bad, and so does starting off with that line, but hey it's true. It also might encourage you to stop reading, great even better. Okay here it is, are you ready, here we go: I support traditional marriage, meaning one man, one woman, and sex inside marriage only. Woah, shocker right? A Christian standing by their Bible based beliefs? Don't worry I'm a bit surprised myself. I'm like a teenage girl version of Dan Cathy, you know the Chick-Fil-A, traditional marriage guy. Wait, wait before you stop reading, listen, well look actually at what else I have to say. 

I do like gays, scratch that, I love gays, or at least try to. I try to love everyone, it's a Jesus follower thing. This past school year I had a friend come out to me that they were gay. After they told me I told them you know my views, but I'm here for you no matter what, and that was that. We're still friends, we just have different beliefs, and we don't try to shove our beliefs down the other's throat. C'mon you don't make friends by doing stuff like that, it's just not very friendly...

Actually with that being said that leads me into my next little point thing. I have no intention whatsoever to change anyone's views, get them to think, yes, a 180 view change, no. Also the last thing I'm here to do is judge, I have no right to. I am just as human as the next person, and I think we all are aware of how humans can be; very humany wumany. (Hehe Doctor Who reference for all the nerds)

Hey the only way I can say something like, "I only support traditional marriage," is if I have some to back it up. My back up, I am absolutely 100% convinced there is a God in heaven, the God of the Bible, and he is the only God. Now, I must confess, that I have had my fair share of doubts, but maybe my doubts are what lead to my rock solid faith. I had to doubt to God to really know he was there, kinda ironic really.

For me I have no reason to support homosexuality, because my God, the God of the Bible abhors it. Why would I support something that goes against everything I believe in? It makes no sense, so I don't. I hear so often, "But God creates people how he wants them to be." True he creates them with the power to choose; the power to choose him or the power to choose the world. He wouldn't be a loving God if he forced us to choose him. Since he gives us the choice, who am I to judge, who am I to condemn? I'm not, and I try not to, but as a Christian I'll be the first to admit I fail... miserably. I only fail though because I try doing it in my power. I forget that "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Phillipians4:13

I believe in God because of who he is and what he's done, not just in my life, but in the lives of others. If someone can give hope to the hopeless, then there's something there worth following. If he can take the kid headed to jail, caught up in gangs, there's gotta be something going on here. If he can take the formerly gay or the woman in the Roe v. Wade case and do a 180 on them, then this is someting huge. If the God of the universe takes time to transform the lives of individuals everywhere, then he's someone worth getting to know. But if he's never done any of this, then he's not worth it. If he's done even just one of these he's so worth it, but if he's done all of this and more, then he's indescribable. The God I believe has done all of this in more, so I give my life to follow God, not the world, cause my God is greater.

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Obama Invited to New Hampshire NASCAR Race

Here's a great headline for you!

President Obama Invited to New Hampshire NASCAR Race, Has Tickets Waiting On Him.

Jerry Gappens, President of New Hampshire Motor Speedway, sent out a press release stating that he has left free tickets to the July 15th NASCAR Sprint Cup race.  Many are questioning not only the motives but even the sanity of Jerry Gappens doing this.  Here's my take on it.

Great move by Jerry Gappens!  Anyone want to guess on the chances of Obuma actually showing up?  I'd say those chances are somewhere between zip, zero, zilch, & not a chance! 

Why did Jerry Gappens do this?  My guess is that it is two-fold.  First it's a publicity stunt, that's the biggest reason.  If Obuma really wanted to come to the race you wouldn't see him or any of his entourage at the Will Call window.  They'd plan this well in advance, spend millions of our tax dollars on his security detail & the logistic costs which include both Air 1 & Marine 1.

The biggest reason I'm hoping Jerry Gappens did this is to expose Obuma's bitter discontempt for everything NASCAR stands for.  These include the freedom to openly & publicly pray to Jesus or to whomever we choose, open & blatant support of our military personnel, & the open support of American business.

The policies of the liberal left & Obuma have severely damaged the livelihood of all Americans & no one knows this better then the fine folks at NASCAR who now are having to deal with declining attendance & corporate sponsorship due to the simple fact that people in this country are hurting financially & just can't afford a weekend, or even a day at the races anymore.

Obuma couldn't pick a much more hostile environment to show up to then a NASCAR race.  This would be the irony of all ironies of this election year if Obuma showed up.  But then on the other hand none of the people I associate with have ever accused Obuma of "being of a far superior mindset." 

Maybe Obuma will show up & be ran right back out of town.  Either way this is a great move by Jerry Gappens!

Be Blessed!


Wednesday, June 06, 2012

2013 Ford Mustang Boss 302, Shelby GT500

If you're a car lover like me you gotta watch this! I've owned several Mustangs over the years & driving this one is now on my bucket list!!!

Awesomeness Defined!!!

2013 Ford Mustang Boss 302, Shelby GT500